Learn how to declare income tax by cell phone - The Most Curious in the World
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Learn how to declare income tax on your cell phone

Do you want to prepare now for the income tax return? Know that you can declare income tax by cell phone. Every year, between March and April, taxpayers declaring income need to submit a declaration through the IRPF. Learn how to do this through the app.


Generally, this is done through a computer or notebook, however if you cannot do it that way for some reason, there is the option of declare income tax by cell phone. The use of the application is new, and therefore, many people do not know it yet.

The income tax return has existed for years, first it was done on paper, then by computer software and now, to make users' lives easier, it is possible declare income tax by cell phone. If you want to know more about this app and learn how to download it, read the article!


Learn how to declare income tax on your cell phone

Information you need to know before filing income tax by cell phone

The income tax declaration exists in Brazil for about 100 years. It has gone through several phases and there have always been some rules for doing it. Know some conditions that make the income tax return mandatory. 

  • When the taxable earnings have been the minimum of R$28,559.70 in the previous year;
  • If there was a gain greater than R$ 40 thousand in exempt income, taxed at source or not taxable, including FGTS and unemployment insurance;
  • In cases where the person sold and profited from goods subject to the application of the Tax;
  • If you received emergency aid and earned income above R$22,847.76;
  • If the sum of assets exceeds R$300 thousand on the last day of the previous year;
  • If you have carried out an operation in the previous year on the Stock Exchange;
  • If you had gross revenue from rural activities greater than R$142,798.50 or want to offset losses in this area.

As the date is approaching, the best thing to do is to start preparing, as the declaration requires a lot of information. For this you can use the income tax application, It is declare income tax by cell phone.

Why use the My Income Tax app?

My Income Tax is the Federal Revenue app for IRPF taxpayers. It has several services for those who need it. declare income tax by cell phone.

Discover the available services:

  • Complete and deliver the declaration, original and rectification;
  • Consult pendencies and generate DARF to settle the tax due;
  • Receiving alerts about the progress of the declaration, such as, for example, pending alerts, solving pending issues, in addition to sending the refund or tax due for automatic debit;
  • FAQ (get your questions answered about the IRPF);
  • Access other Federal Revenue services and apps.

For most services, you first need to register the device in the e-CAC (Virtual Taxpayer Service Center). Download the income tax application in advance. This will allow you to organize the data to fill in correctly. That way, when the deadline for delivery arrives, just send it.

Other information about the application for income tax

If you want to install income tax application on your cell phone, you need to know more about it. Especially, to know if it will work correctly. My Income Tax was launched in 2014 by the Federal Government. Since then, it has received constant updates. 

O income tax application It has around 5 million downloads on the Google Play Store. 

It doesn't take up much space, only 12 MB in memory, so you can download even if you have little space. O income tax application It is available on Android devices in the Play Store and iPhone in the App Store. It is completely free.

Learn how to download and use the application for income tax

If you were interested in income tax application and want to download on your smartphone to declare income tax by cell phone continue reading below. First, open your mobile app store.

Then, type the name of the app “Meu Imposto de Renda” in the search field, and after that, click on install in the official app, which is developed by the Government of Brazil.

Finally, after installing and opening it, register. Enter the CPF, date of birth and security code that will be displayed in the app. To start filling out the declaration, you will need to create a keyword, after that, just use it normally.

Final thoughts on the application for income tax

O income tax application it is ideal for those who prefer to use their cell phone for some reason or to gain more agility. In addition, it is easy to use and saves you the trouble of filling in the data. So it's worth a try. the application for income tax.

If you still have questions, be sure to visit the official government portal or get in touch through the service channels.

And if you like to stay on top of market application trends, be sure to visit our category dedicated to this subject. There you will find real work, health, beauty and leisure tools that will help you in various aspects of your life. 

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