My Single Registry: how to register - The Most Curious in the World
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My Single Registry: how to register

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Find out how to register on my Cad Único.


The Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs, known as CadÚnico, is an essential tool for implementing public policies aimed at low-income families in Brazil. Created in 2001, CadÚnico's main objective is to identify and characterize these families, allowing them to have access to various social programs. In this article, we will explore in detail what CadÚnico is, how it works, who can register, and what are the benefits of keeping the registry up to date.

What is CadÚnico?

CadÚnico is a system that records socioeconomic information on Brazilian families living in poverty and extreme poverty. It serves as a gateway to several social programs, such as Bolsa Família, the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC), the Social Electricity Tariff, among others. The information collected in CadÚnico is used by the government to plan and implement public policies aimed at improving the living conditions of these families.


Who can register with CadÚnico?

Families with a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person or a total income of up to three minimum wages can register with CadÚnico. In addition, families with incomes above these amounts can also register, as long as the registration is linked to inclusion or permanence in government social programs.

To register, a family member, known as the family representative, must be at least 16 years old and present a CPF or voter registration card. In the case of traditional communities, such as indigenous and quilombola communities, any form of identification is accepted.

How does the registration process work?

Registration with CadÚnico is done in person, at the service units of the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) or at other locations designated by the city hall of each municipality. The head of the family must appear at the location with the necessary documents and provide all the requested information about the composition and income of the family.

Basic documents for registration include:

  • Birth or marriage certificate;
  • CPF;
  • RG;
  • Work Card;
  • Voter Registration Card;
  • Proof of residence.

After registration, the data is entered into the system and undergoes a verification and validation process. If there are inconsistencies or missing information, the family may be called to provide clarification or supplement the data.

Importance of keeping your registration up to date

Keeping CadÚnico data up to date is essential for families to continue to have access to social programs. Updates should be made whenever there are changes to family composition, income, address or other relevant information. In addition, it is recommended that updates be carried out at least every two years.

Failure to update information may result in suspension or cancellation of benefits. Therefore, it is important that families are aware of the dates and requirements for updating their registration.

Benefits and programs linked to CadÚnico

CadÚnico is the gateway to several social programs that aim to improve the living conditions of low-income families. Among the main programs linked to CadÚnico, the following stand out:

  1. Bolsa Familia: Direct income transfer program that benefits families living in poverty and extreme poverty, contributing to overcoming social vulnerability.
  2. Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC): Guarantees a monthly minimum wage for seniors aged 65 and over and people with disabilities of any age, who prove that they do not have the means to provide for their own maintenance.


  1. Social Electricity Tariff: Offers discounts on electricity bills for low-income families, reducing the impact of electricity expenses on the family budget.
  2. My home, my life: Facilitates access to housing for low-income families, offering subsidies and differentiated financing conditions.
  3. Exemption from Fees in Public Tenders: Allows members of families registered with CadÚnico to request exemption from registration fees for federal public competitions.

In addition to these, there are many other programs and benefits that use CadÚnico as an eligibility criterion. Each program has its own specificities and criteria, but they all have the common goal of promoting social inclusion and improving the quality of life of the families served.

Register on my Single Registry

The Single Registry is a fundamental tool for implementing public social assistance policies in Brazil. It allows the government to understand the reality of low-income families and develop specific actions to meet their needs. Keeping the registry up to date is essential to ensure the continuity of benefits and access to new programs.

Raising awareness about the importance of CadÚnico and regularly updating data are crucial steps for families to be able to fully enjoy the social rights and benefits guaranteed to them by law.

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