New emergency aid for R$ 800 is REVEALED - The Most Curious in the World
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New emergency aid for R$ 800 is REVEALED

Candidate for re-election and Head of State, Jair Bolsonar released on Thursday (8), another plus in the program's value projections Brazil Aid. According to him, the idea now is to make a deposit of R$ 800 and not more than R$ 600, his old proposal. Formerly also called emergency aid.


Chairman's statement

“The more than 20 million Brazilians who receive the Auxílio Brasil of at least R$ 600 will now receive more R$ 200 if they start working. It will be R$ 800 plus the salary from work”

So, what is the R$ 800 aid promised by the president According to the Ministry of Citizenship, this is not a new project or a recent indication. The additional payment system of over R$ 200 is already available in Auxílio Brasil since the beginning of the release of the benefit.

For the four lines today, the citizen who gets a job and earns a per capita income ranging from R$ 211 to R$ 525, can receive the benefit of R$ 200 for a period of two years. During this time, the individual can keep receiving the balance of the Auxílio Brasil and also the salary of the common job.



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Pledges for Emergency Aid and Brazil

In the 2022 elections, there is no shortage of promises related to the future of Auxílio Brasil. President Jair Bolsonaro, for example, guarantees that he will continue to pay the benefit at the level of R$ 600, even with the indication of a decrease in the value for the next year.

In addition to him, other candidates are also making promises in this sense. Former president Lula (PT) says he will keep the R$ 600 for next year and also indicates double transfers for single mothers.

The PT candidate also indicates that he will be able to pay an additional R$ 150 for children under six years of age. Ciro Gomes (PDT), claims that he could release a universal basic income worth R$ 1 thousand. A proposal included in the National Development Project (PND).