Nubank: hidden features in the most famous bank on the internet - The Most Curious in the World
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Nubank: hidden features in the most famous bank on the internet

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Nubank stands out among other digital banks for being a completely authentic and innovative bank. Are you already a Nubank customer?


When we talk about digital banks we are dealing with thousands of options on the market that have different functionalities, but none of them are as complete as Nubank. Nubank arrived with a completely revolutionary proposal and has established itself as one of the best digital banks for those looking for practicality.

If you don't yet have a Nubank account or you already have one but don't know any better about the features that the Bank is able to provide you, get ready to read because you will discover even more advantages that Nubank is able to provide to its customers. Ready to learn more about Nubank’s features?


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Hidden Features at Nubank

Over time, Nubank has improved and brought more and more features to its customers, focusing on a unique experience and making more people loyal every day. In addition, customers enjoy fast and personalized service to resolve their queries when necessary.


A Nubank account may be the best account and card option for those looking for less bureaucracy, fair limits and personalized service, which makes the bank one of the most notable in terms of practicality. See more features that are not so publicized from the most famous bank in the world.



One of the largest banks in the world awaits you, as it wants to transform your financial life and make your experience with digital banking unique.

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Build your limit

Many people still don't know that Nubank offers this function, and most people also don't know how it works. In this category you build your limit, according to your needs, and add as you wish. This will not interfere with your current limit, if you have one.


If you don't yet have a Nubank credit card, this is a great way for the bank to analyze your payment patterns and possibly release more credit to you. When you pay your monthly bill, the amount you set aside as a limit is officially consolidated as part of your Nubank limit.

Pix on credit

If you need to make a pix but don't have any money in your account, Nubank makes it easy for you. Make pix using your Nubank credit card without needing the help of virtual wallets in the process. The fees are imperceptible and the money arrives in the destination account quickly.


Never feel like it again if you have a limit on your card, easily transform your limit into ix and use it however you prefer, send money to other people and use it however you prefer. The function is highlighted and is one of the first we find when accessing the bank's application, right on the main tab.

Adjust your limit

What many people don't know about the Nubank credit card is that you have a total limit on your usable limits. But what does it mean? If you are going to make a purchase of R$100.00 and have a limit of R$1,000.00, you can block R$900.00 on your card through the app and only leave the R$100.00 available.


This function is ideal for those who want to leave the house and buy only what they need, without having a free limit and ending up spending on unnecessary things. A function that helps with self-control for users who experience some difficulty when entering a store with a large limit on their credit card.

Virtual 100% Card

Do you want to make a purchase on the internet? Please note that at no time will you need to use your physical credit card. Nubank provides a space for generating a virtual card, dedicated only to your virtual wallets and available for you to make your online purchases securely.


This option is a form of greater security for users who constantly buy online, mainly because you can delete cards and generate new ones as many times as you want, to avoid cloning and information leakage. Security is Nubank's key point.

Have Nubank's best features in the palm of your hand.

The virtual bank for those who want efficiency

If you are looking for security and greater control over your finances, rest assured that Nubank is ideal for you. Interest rates are low, the service is extremely effective and capable of answering all your questions. Furthermore, if you need to save money, at Nubank you will find the right features for that.


Opening an account with Nubank is one of the quickest things you can do today, but if you already have an account, explore the possibilities within the app and transform your finances once and for all. Shall we open a Nubank account?

Common questions:

Nubank is a Brazilian fintech founded in 2013, which offers digital financial services, including current accounts, credit cards with no annual fee, personal loans and investments.

The main products offered by Nubank include the credit card with no annual fee, the Nubank digital account, Nubank Rewards (a rewards program), Nubank Ultravioleta (premium credit card) and personal loans.

Requesting a Nubank credit card can be done through the Nubank app, available for Android and iOS devices. Interested parties must fill out a form with personal information and wait for the company's credit analysis.

Some of the advantages of using Nubank include the absence of hidden fees, such as annual fees, account maintenance fees and withdrawal fees; an intuitive and easy-to-use application to manage your finances; rewards program (Nubank Rewards); and accessible customer support via in-app chat.

Yes, Nubank uses advanced security technologies to protect its customers' information, including data encryption, two-step authentication and constant monitoring of transactions for suspicious activity. Furthermore, it is regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil.

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