Where to find jobs for people with disabilities - The Most Curious in the World
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Where to find jobs for people with disabilities

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Step by step guide to finding a job for people with disabilities

Check out the step-by-step guide to applying for vacancies.


Searching for a job can be challenging for anyone, but for people with disabilities, there are specific considerations that can influence the job search and application process. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to help people with disabilities effectively navigate the job market, highlighting strategies, resources, and important tips to increase your chances of success.

1. Self-Assessment of Skills and Interests

Before you begin your job search, it’s crucial to conduct an honest self-assessment of your skills, experience, and career interests. This will help you identify which types of jobs and work environments best suit your needs and capabilities.


  • List your technical skills, such as computer skills, foreign languages, communication skills, among others.
  • Consider your preferences in terms of work environment, such as remote work, flexible hours, physical accessibility, among others.

2. Set Clear Professional Goals

Set specific goals for your job search, considering the type of position you want, industries you’re interested in, and geographic location. This will help you focus your efforts and prepare yourself for opportunities that arise.

  • Determine the level of experience you have and the level of position you want to achieve.
  • Identify sectors of the economy that are more inclusive and open to hiring people with disabilities.

3. Prepare an Inclusive Resume and Cover Letter

Create a resume and cover letter that highlight your skills, relevant experience, and adaptations that may be needed in the workplace. Make sure both documents are accessible and clearly formatted.

  • Include a section highlighting your key skills and qualifications at the top of your resume.
  • Tailor your cover letter to each specific position, emphasizing how your skills and experience align with the job requirements.

4. Use Specific Platforms and Resources

Take advantage of online platforms that are known for promoting inclusion and diversity in the workplace. There are several platforms that specialize in connecting people with disabilities with employers who value diversity.

  • Include (Brazil) – Agency that connects people with disabilities to companies committed to inclusion.
  • Disability Job Exchange (USA) – Platform that facilitates the connection between candidates with disabilities and inclusive employers.

5. Network and Attend Recruitment Events

Attending recruiting events, career fairs and workshops can provide unique opportunities to meet employers, learn about job market needs and increase your visibility as a qualified candidate.

  • Look for local and online events that focus on inclusion and diversity in the workplace.
  • Connect with professionals in the field and participate in discussion groups and social networks aimed at people with disabilities.

6. Prepare for Interviews

When invited to an interview, prepare appropriately to convey your skills and experience clearly and confidently. Consider any necessary adaptations during the interview and be prepared to discuss them with the employer.

  • Practice answers to common interview questions and prepare examples of situations in which you demonstrated your skills.
  • Research the company and show genuine interest in the opportunity.

7. Negotiate Workplace Accommodations

Once you receive a job offer, openly discuss any reasonable accommodations you may need in the workplace to perform your duties effectively. This may include physical, technological, or organizational adjustments.

  • Be prepared to explain how these accommodations can benefit both you and your employer.

Don't forget to look for your job vacancy

Finding a job for people with disabilities requires careful planning, self-awareness, and strategic use of specific resources. By following this step-by-step guide, you can increase your chances of finding a job opportunity that matches your skills and needs, contributing to a rewarding and inclusive career. Remember, perseverance and awareness of your rights are key to overcoming challenges and achieving professional success.

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