Open debt: check if you are enrolled in the active debt
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Open debt: check if you are enrolled in the active debt

Find out if you are enrolled in active debt without complications! With the “Dívida Aberta” application, you have fast and free access to this information and much more. In an increasingly digital world, personal financial management becomes more accessible with the help of practical apps. "Open Debt" is a complete tool that allows you to organize your finances and control your debts efficiently.


In this article, we will introduce the main features of this application and explain how you can download it to start managing your finances in a simpler and more effective way. Take advantage of the ease and agility that "Open Debt" offers to take full control of your personal finances.

What are the main features of the Dívida Aberta application?


The Dívida Aberta application was developed with an intuitive and extremely friendly interface, which makes it simple to use. In addition, it offers a wide range of features that enrich the user experience, making your navigation more complete and efficient.

Below we highlight the main features available in the application:

QR Code reading for invoices: With this functionality, the user can easily scan the codes present in the invoices, streamlining the process of entering data.

Quick search by name, CPF or CNPJ: Through this option, it is possible to carry out queries quickly and accurately, simply by entering the name, CPF or CNPJ of the debtor to obtain relevant information about their debts.

Various types of debt consultation: The application offers different options for debt consultation, covering areas such as FGTS, labor fines, criminal, electoral, tax debts and non-tax debts. In addition, it is possible to carry out queries by State, Municipality, economic activity and other criteria.

Confirmation of the debtor's address: The user can collaborate with PGFN in the recovery of credits, confirming the debtor's address, which helps in the collection process.

Banners with useful information: The application displays banners containing relevant and useful information for users, keeping them updated on important issues related to debts and financial obligations.

Integration with the REGULARIZE portal: The application provides a direct link to the REGULARIZE portal, allowing the user to consult, make payments, pay in installments or dispute their debts directly through the PGFN platform.

With all these features, Dívida Aberta proves to be a complete and reliable tool to help users manage their debts and financial obligations, providing a fluid and uncomplicated experience in the process of consulting and settling debts.

How to install this tool?

As evidenced in the text, the “Dívida Aberta” application can be highly beneficial in identifying debtors registered in active debt with the Union or the FGTS. This app is available for iOS and Android devices and is quick and simple to download. To purchase it, follow the steps below:

Go to your device's app store, either the App Store (for iOS) or the Google Play Store (for Android).
Search for the “Dívida Aberta” application in the search bar.
Tap “Download” or “Install” to start the download.
Wait for the installation process to complete.
Once installed, open the app and follow the instructions to set up your account and start using it.