PIS/PASEP: NEW EMERGENCY value of more than R$ 1 thousand is released - The Most Curious in the World
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PIS/PASEP: NEW EMERGENCY value of more than R$ 1 thousand is released

DISCLOSED! Brazilians who are entitled to PIS/PASEP (Social Integration Program) can now receive the money referring to the base year of 2020. The state bank (Caixa Econômica Federal) is transferring the salary bonus money. Occurring late, but that's because program payments were suspended by the government during the pandemic.


Are you entitled to PIS money?

In addition, those who still earn PIS amounts in 2022 are workers who carried out formal activities, in 2020, in the private sector. In short, information is from the Ministry of Labor, as it is the folder responsible for this matter.

Around 400,000 Brazilian workers still haven't redeemed the amounts from their accounts. Deposits started in February and ended in March.

Check the cases


  • Received up to two minimum wages in 2020;
  • Although, they performed some paid activity for at least 30 days in the year 2020;
    Have updated data in the register;
  • In addition, they have been included in the PIS/Pasep for at least five years.

PIS/PASEP 2022 table

1 month worked – R$ 101;
2 months worked – R$ 202;
3 months worked – R$ 303;
4 months worked – R$ 404;
5 months worked – R$ 505;
6 months worked – R$ 606;
7 months worked – R$ 707;
8 months worked – R$ 808;
9 months worked – R$ 909;
10 months worked – R$ 1,010;
11 months worked – R$ 1,111;
12 months worked – R$ 1,212.

PIS 2022 consultation

Means for consultation

  1. Digital Work Card;
  2. Worker Box;
  3. Has Box.
  4.  In addition, it is important to highlight that the PIS number, also called NIT (Worker Registration Number), is essential for the beneficiary to receive the PIS.

Therefore, if you do not know your PIS number, just access the National Social Information Register (CNIS) website.

Check the expected PIS 2023 table:

1 month worked – R$ 108;
2 months worked – R$ 217;
3 months worked – R$ 325;
4 months worked – R$ 434;
5 months worked – R$ 542;
6 months worked – R$ 651;
7 months worked – R$ 759;
8 months worked – R$ 868;
9 months worked – R$ 976;
10 months worked – R$ 1,085;
11 months worked – R$ 1,193;
12 months worked – R$ 1,302.