How to receive forgotten money in Registrato 2024 - The Most Curious in the World
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How to receive forgotten money in Registrato 2024


Registrato 2024- Millions of Brazilians received information from the media and the federal government that they have forgotten money. This ended up catching the attention of many, because who doesn't want to receive money, right? Whatever the value.


Through Registrato, a Central Bank tool, you can see if there is forgotten money and how much you have receivables. We at Mais Curioso will teach you all about. Keep reading.

What is Registrato

First of all, it is important that you are aware of how the Central Bank portal works. It is worth noting that Registrato is a Central Bank software that helps you consult all your information – including forgotten money, if you have it.


It is through the Registrato that millions of Brazilians find lost money in their name. Via financial information from active and inactive accounts, it is possible to check if you have any outstanding amounts in your name.

How to register in the Registry

First, it is mandatory to register in the Registry. You do it through the website of the Brazilian central bank. Understand the 10-step guide below:

  1. Access the site (;
  2. Enter your CPF, date of birth and mother's first name;
  3. Now enter the bank where you want to validate the registration – the software uses the registered information and compares it with those available in financial institutions;
  4. Memorize or save the security phrase that will be provided by the system;
  5. Therefore, look for, in another browser tab, the Registration part of your bank's website - look for [NAME OF BANK] + Registrato;
  6. So, add the security phrase in that part of your bank's website;
  7. The software will ask for a password for the current account – a six-digit number;
  8. Now, after validating the security phrase on the bank's website, go back to the website – in the tab that was left open – and click on “Next” to complete the process.
  9. Also, re-enter your CPF in addition to the security phrase and select the financial institution. Finally, add a valid email address and create a personal, non-transferable eight-digit password;
  10. Once this is done, scroll the page to the end and click on “Finish accreditation”; a new pop-up window will open with the option “Access Registrato”. Done!

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After these steps, you can consult the registry through the BC website whenever you want, like this:

  1. Go to the system website and enter your CPF and the password created earlier;
  2. You will find the options “My debts”, “My financial relationships” and “My exchange operations”: select the one you want to generate the report;
  3. Now accept the disclaimer before viewing the report;
  4. You can download the foreign exchange report in PDF format. If the option is not yet active, wait 48 hours.