Tartar in dogs - Risks, how to prevent and treat - The Most Curious in the World
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Tartar in dogs -Risks, how to prevent and treat

Tartarus is something that has been scaring many dog owners. But calm down, because we will present everything you should know, right here in this article.


It's very likely that you've heard of, or at least seen, an animal with tartar. But even though it seems normal, we need to pay close attention.

Everything can start with a simple dirt on the tooth, and soon after, several other diseases, even more serious, are triggered.


Here, you'll find information on how to prevent, treat, and much more. In this text the website The most curious in the world will show how this situation can be avoided.

what is tartar

Although we talked a little about what this disease is about, in the previous topic, we need to specify; so you can really understand.

Tartar can be found in dogs, in the form of a bacterial plate, on the animal's tooth.

This plaque is the result of the accumulation of food, which was not consumed by the pet, so, over time, without adequate oral hygiene, tartar will develop.

Another way in which tartar is referred to is through dental calculus.

How to prevent tartar

One of the easiest and most accessible ways for you to prevent your dog from a certain disease is through the simple act of performing oral hygiene for the little animal.

This hygiene is through brushing your teeth daily.

The most recommended thing is to do this when the dog is small.

This will benefit not only the dog, but also the owner, as he will not have to go through irritations, when inserting teeth cleaning into his new routine. That is, the dog will already be used to it.

If, by chance, you are unable to brush your dog's teeth, at least 3 times a week, you must make an effort to do so.

So, any accumulation of food that may be in your teeth will be removed.

Another very important thing to remember is that you need a specific brush.

Under no circumstances should you use conventional toothbrushes, let alone toothpaste.

Some dogs may suffer from a health problem because of this paste.

In addition, it is also important to remember that if possible, feed your pet only with portion, or with appropriate snacks. This will reduce the chances of the animal developing such a disease.

This is because, generally, the foods we offer them are soft, which makes dental calculus even easier.

How to treat tartar

But if, unfortunately, your dog has the disease, you need to look for a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The longer you wait, the more likely other, even more serious illnesses are to develop.

Once your dog has been seen by a specialist, it's a good idea to have regular checkups.

So that it can be seen how the condition of the animal's tooth is, and if necessary, a dental cleaning can even be done.

However, if the case is a little more serious, it is better for the veterinarian to carry out periodontal treatment on the dog.

This procedure we refer to is quite complex; so much so that your little dog will have to be totally anesthetized.

What is advisable to do at home is daily brushing of the animal, with the appropriate instruments.

How to identify tartar in an animal

In addition to checking whether or not your dog has a plate of food positioned on the tooth, another way to recognize that your pet has tartar is by feeling if it has bad breath, which we know as "breath".

In addition, you can see if he is eating less often.

This is a sign, as tartar causes pain in the teeth and gums, making it impossible to chew.

What are the causes of tartar in dogs

As has been said a few times here in this article, tartar can cause serious complications if it is not quickly identified.

In addition to possibly causing the loss of the animal's teeth, and even meningitis.

But if the case is very aggravated, it is possible that the bacteria come into contact with the blood vessels, causing several other diseases.