Is the cold beer over? Learn how to order without leaving home
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Is the cold beer over? Learn how to order without leaving home

A cold beer you can never miss a barbecue with friends, celebrations or watching football games. But sometimes we're enjoying the moment so much that the fridge is emptying and when we least think it's out of beer. There is discomfort there.


When everyone is gathered to celebrate or have fun drinking alcohol, it is dangerous to go out and buy drinks. However, from the solution that delivery proposed, it became much easier and safer to deal with situations like the one we mentioned. After all, they bring practicality to those who need it.

With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to enjoy a cold beer without leaving home. Therefore, in this article we address some of the main applications of delivery of drinks to help and prevent the fun from ending.


Cold beer delivery apps

Brazil is the third largest consumer of beer in the world. Therefore, either because of the culture or the tropical climate, it is common to consume this drink at low temperatures, unlike countries with a cold climate; Germany or Belgium, where the custom is to drink beer at room temperature.

Given this, for Brazilians it is important that the beers are cold, when buying for immediate consumption. Considering the context, different companies delivery with a focus on beverage distribution and delivery came up with the proposal to add a competitive advantage to fast deliveries of ice cream products.

With this idea having started before the smartphones and applications, today there are different warehouses, distributors, convenience stores and the like that work with cold beer delivery. But the apps delivery became so integrated in this environment that today they are the most used way to order a drink at home.

That's why we've listed some of the best drink delivery apps so you never run out of cold beer in the fridge. So, check out some of the best options here. delivery. Remembering that some are so advantageous that they even offer discount coupons and gifts.

Zé Delivery

When it comes to drink delivery, Zé Delivery is one of the best apps. Be it for its promotions, quick deliveries, good service, customer support or stupidly cold drinks, this is a app very well evaluated in the main app stores.

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Created by Ambev, this is a platform with direct connection to distributors and regional beverage stores to the user.. With a presence in different states and in the Federal District, this service offers a menu where products have a fixed price and are subject to promotions.

There are different payment options for the delivery of products, always drinks (usually cold). Anyway, with just a few clicks it is possible to place the order providing little personal information and delivery address. Above all, one of the most complete options in the industry.

Saidera Brazil

Continuing the approach on cold drink delivery services, Saidera Brasil is another option to be able to buy cold beer without leaving home. This 24-hour service is available for Android and iOS and promises to deliver any order within 40 minutes.

Unlike Zé Delivery, this application also offers food and tobacco products, a differential over its main competitor. However, this is not an application with as much coverage in the national territory as the other app. On the other hand, it has fixed prices for its products.

In addition to beer, tobacco and food, there are several types of drinks delivered with Saidera Brasil. However, when accessing their reviews on the main app stores, everything indicates that their service is not as good as it is described. Their ratings are few and far between.

drinks application

In delivery of drinks, Drink App is the second most downloaded application in Brazil, both in play store how much in App Store. So cwith more than 10 thousand downloads, it delivers different categories of products, such as beverages and barbecue items.

Therefore, unlike the previous options, it is possible to choose to order cold or room temperature beer. And the same goes for other drinks, alcoholic or not. And if there is no place to put the beer, styrofoam is one of the products offered, as well as ice packs.

Even with its national coverage, it is important to check the locations of this application to start placing orders. Anyway, it's a great way to have more convenience and comfort when buying drinks.

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