Up to 1 minimum wage with the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC)
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Up to 1 minimum wage with the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC). Who can apply?

The benefit guarantees resources to those who meet its criteria. See if you are eligible and learn more in today's article.


In times of pandemic and financial difficulties that, unfortunately, many people meet, the Federal Government created programs that can help with the obstacles that have been overcome by millions of Brazilians. Among the aid programs is the Benefit of Continuing Provision, BPC.

The program includes low income families. without resembling to benefits such as retirement, the Continuous Cash Benefit aims to assist in the economic income of people with few conditions financial.


Up to 1 minimum wage with the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC)

What is the Continuing Benefit?

It is a program developed by the Federal Government, whose objective is to help families with the aid of one minimum wage per month. It benefits people who have an income of up to ¼ of the minimum wage. 

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Provided for in the Organic Law of Social Assistance, LOAS, the benefit is extended as a monthly allowance, not in the nature of retirement as in the INSS. does not pay thirteenth salary and does not leave beneficiaries in case of death of the holder. 

Who has the right?

Families that are registered in the CadÚnico It is enabled for the program. People who wish to register must  meet some modalities. See which ones.

  • Iseniors aged 65 and over
  • Monthly income of up to ¼ of the minimum wage
  • Persons with disabilities or illness proven by medical reports

It is worth remembering that citizens enrolled in the Provision Benefit Continuing will also benefit from the social tariff of Electric Energy

Other rules applied to the Continued Benefit Refer to the members of the family. The following must be included in the same dwelling: groups. 

  • Recipient
  • Your spouse/partner
  • Parents, stepparents or stepmothers
  • single brothers
  • Children, stepchildren or guardians

Families who receive other types of benefits will not be able to apply for the benefit. earnings, such as unemployment insurance, retirement or pensions. To the people with disabilities, must prove their state of health, whether physical, mental, intellectual or any other nature that prevents him from perform activities.

If you receive emergency aid or participate in Bolsa Família, you can also cannot receive this benefit. Another important detail is that the rules do not apply to those who carry out professional activities with proof in their work. 

How to apply?

To apply for the benefit, the family representative or single person must attend a Social Security unit and register. Or if If you prefer, you can contact the INSS number 135. Another option, are the organ's digital channels, through the website or application of the My INSS

If you don't have the applications, download them right now in versions for android or iOS. It is important to emphasize that all family members must be related in the CadÚnico, as it will be necessary to present the documents of all members. If you are already enrolled in the program, remember to keep your all always up to date. 

exceptional cases

The Continued Cash Benefit may also be requested in cases of people residing in regions or municipalities in a situation of calamity recognized by the Federal Government.

For these exceptions, people must accompany the deferrals to qualify for the social program. 


To help with the budget and overcome financial difficulties, families that meet the requirements for the BPC, will be able to qualify and schedule the receiving government assistance.

If you meet the rules and are enrolled in CadÚnico, don't waste time and make your request. It will be an excellent monthly help, which will guarantee security and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. 

Good luck and until next time!