Travel safely: why take out Banco N26 travel insurance! - The Most Curious in the World
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Travel safely: why take out Banco N26 travel insurance!

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Among all the advantages that a bank that offers credit cards and current accounts can offer you, Banco N26 arrives with a completely new offer, and promises to provide its customers with innovative and unique travel insurance.

If you are the type of customer who loves to travel constantly and is afraid of any unforeseen events happening that could delay your fun, understand why securing your trip with Banco N26 means ensuring comfort and safety for you and your family.


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Advantages of N26 Travel Insurance


Understand what coverage the German Bank N26 offers when it comes to providing you with a safe trip, free from unforeseen events. Travel insurance is recommended for users who travel frequently and have experienced some uncomfortable situations that ended up making the trip a bit painful.

Being safe on your trip means knowing that in the event of any emergency you will not be alone. Banco N26 will be available to assist you immediately, ensuring that every penny of the money you invest in insurance counts. Traveling with peace of mind and safety is possible, and Banco N26 can provide it for you.



Travel in the best way possible, avoiding unforeseen events and being assured that a safe Bank protects you.

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Incredible prices

The insurance provided by Banco N26 has affordable prices, meaning that any user, from those with the lowest income to those with the highest income, can enjoy the benefit of a safe trip and in case of emergencies. Prices may vary depending on the coverage, so it is worth checking before signing up for one of the insurance policies.

Legal guidance

Being protected by travel insurance means having the right to legal guidance in case of failures by the airline or bus company. Legal professionals will be ready to assist you and answer your questions in urgent cases, and when you have doubts about how you should act legally.

Luggage protection

Have your 100% luggage protected in case of loss or loss at airports and bus stations. Travel insurance protects your luggage, guaranteeing coverage in case the plane or bus company ends up losing it, causing you inconvenience and causing you to lose material goods present in your suitcase.

Coverage in case of flight delay

If your flight is delayed, be aware that you are entitled to a refund after 4 hours of delay. Banco N26 offers these amounts covered by insurance to guarantee repairs, and meet any basic needs that may arise, such as food and accommodation if necessary. Banco N26’s objective is to provide you with comfort.


In case of cancellation, in addition to being refunded by the airport or bus station, you will also receive an amount from Bank N26 to replace all the amounts you may have spent in vain, on a trip that did not happen. Be assured that you will not lose out with travel insurance from Banco N26.

Travel safely with Banco N26.

Comfort for your trip!


Counting on travel insurance from Banco N26 means knowing that in the event of any emergency you will be protected and will not be lost in what to do. Banco N26 guarantees you 24-hour assistance, legal assistance in any case of non-compliance by the airline or bus station, and guarantees you a stay if necessary.

If you travel frequently, taking out Banco N26 insurance means knowing that you will never again face any emergencies during your trips, as all of them will be resolved by your bank. Choose the N26 insurance that best suits your travel needs according to your needs.

Common questions:

N26 is a Germany-based digital bank founded in 2013 that offers fully online banking services. It is known for its innovative approach and the ease of use of its platform, allowing customers to manage their finances through a mobile app.

N26 offers a variety of banking services, including current accounts, debit and credit cards, international transfers, simple investments, among others. Its focus is to provide an efficient and hassle-free banking experience through mobile devices.

Yes, N26 is regulated by German and European financial authorities, following safety and consumer protection guidelines. The company uses advanced encryption and authentication technologies to ensure the security of customer transactions and information.

Fees may vary depending on the type of account the customer chooses. N26 offers different plans, some free and others with monthly fees that offer additional benefits such as free ATM withdrawals in certain regions and travel insurance.

Initially, N26 began operating in Europe, but expanded its presence to other markets over time. As of my last update in January 2022, the N26 is available in several European countries, the United States, and other locations. I recommend checking the official N26 website for up-to-date information on their global presence.

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