What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum - The Most Curious in the World
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What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum

What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum? What is your diagnosis and treatment?


Hyperemesis Gravidarum affects many women during pregnancy. Do you know this occurrence? In today's article we will explain you about it.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum presents an unbelievable occurrence of vomiting during periods of pregnancy, increasing the incidence of dehydration, ketosis and weight loss, which is when there is a greater expenditure than calorie consumption, through ingestion and absorption (decreasing this capacity), increasing metabolic waste, causing weight loss.


In our text, we will introduce you to this condition, present the forms of diagnosis and treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

hyperemesis gravidarum 

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is an extreme form of vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. Differing from these classic and sporadic symptoms by causing: uncontrollable and constant vomiting, weight loss, severe dehydration, ketosis and electrolyte abnormalities (in some women)

Hyperemesis Gravidarum may cause transient mild hyperthyroidism. It is very uncommon for it to persist past the 16th to 18th week, if it does it can severely damage the liver, causing generalized fatty degeneration or centrilobular necrosis. It may also cause esophageal rupture or Wernicke's encephalopathy.

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Firstly, it will be through the symptoms that doctors will assess whether the patient has Hyperemesis Gravidarum. They are: onset of vomiting very often, factors that worsen or relieve emesis (vomiting action) and significant weight loss (in some cases).

If there are any doubts about Hyperemesis Gravidarum, doctors will evaluate factors such as: ketones present in urine, kidney function, thyroid-stimulating hormones, electrolytes, nitrogen in blood urea, amount of creatinine, AST and ALT, among others.

As there are some other diseases with these same symptoms, it is common for doctors to evaluate carefully to exclude these others. An obstetric ultrasound should also be performed to exclude the possibility of multiple pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.


First of all, there is a temporary suspension of oral intake of liquids and food, with gradual resumption (initially with liquids) of intake. 

In general, treatment begins with nutrient replacement (thiamine, vitamins and electrolytes, for example) intravenously and with the use of antiemetics (if necessary). After vomiting and dehydration have ceased, administration of small doses of oral liquids is started.  

For patients who are still not tolerating oral intake, they usually stay in hospital or continue with the treatment at home (without oral administration for a few days or according to signs of improvement, according to the guidelines of the doctor).

hyperemesis gravidarum
hyperemesis gravidarum

With the acceptance of oral liquids, they begin to include the ingestion of small amounts of (light) solid foods, increasing the ingestion after noticing the return of the symptoms. 

If the treatment proves to be ineffective, the use of corticosteroids is common. Which should be used for less than 6 weeks with great care. Not being indicated for use during the period called fetal organogenesis (between 20 and 56 days of pregnancy). 

There are no ways to prevent hyperemesis gravidarum. However, it is recommended that the diet during the prenatal period be administered more often during the day. Avoiding the consumption of fatty and/or spicy foods. 


In this article we present a very common occurrence among pregnant women, the hyperemesis gravidarum. We present its main symptoms and conventional forms of treatment. 

Important: when presenting any symptoms, a doctor should be consulted. Self-medication will bring risk to the mother and the baby, using only what your doctor prescribes.


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