What is Systematic Theology - The Most Curious in the World
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What is Systematic Theology

Do you know what Systematic Theology means? If the answer is no, keep reading this article as we will introduce you to everything you should know.


the term theology comes from the joining of two Greek words, “God” and “word”. If we then combine, the word is formed, whose meaning is study of God.

But after all, what does Systematic Theology really mean, since what was said above was only the definition of a part of the term. Read the text that the site The most curious in the world prepared.


Here, you will find information about what is seen in a certain Theology, in addition to its definition, of course!

What is Systematic Theology

In addition to what has been said, it is necessary to specify a little more about what Systematic Theology is about. But from what has already been presented, we can already know that this refers to the Bible and, consequently, is already related to God.

Simply speaking, theology refers to proving the existence of God and its study is focused on the analysis of different points in the Bible, such as the interpretation and research of religious traditions but also sacred texts, doctrines and their dogmas.

However, Systematic Theology is like a way of organizing Theology, in different themes.

The way in which the study is divided into different themes, makes a specific learning system formed by theological facts.

But what are the different themes of theology

Systematic Theology, as we have already said, is divided into different themes, but after all, what are the themes covered?

Among all that is presented are: Own - study of God the Father. Christology – study of God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pneumatology – study of the Holy Spirit. Bibliology – study of the Bible. Ecclesiology – study of churches. Angelology – study of angels. Soteriology – study of salvation. Hamartology – study of sin.

Eschatology – study of the end times. Christian Anthropology – Study of Humanity. Demonology – study of demons from a Christian perspective.

What is seen in Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology, as we have said several times, is a study.

But answering what many must be wondering; it is a joint study of the Bible.

In other words, the study does not focus on just a few people in the holy book, like David or Paul, for example, but on a whole, the whole counsel of God.

Is the historical context important for a given study?

Yes, historical context is important mainly because it increases your (or anyone studying) faithfulness in interpreting the subject. Since what is dealt with, it is not just the scriptures.

What are the other fields of Theology, about the study of God

As you can see by reading this subtitle, there is not only Systematic Theology, but also several other fields related to the study of God.

But before there can be any doubt about which Theology is most important, out of all the existing ones, Systematic Theology is indeed the most important.

This is mainly due to the fact that this Theology encompasses the complete Bible throughout its study.

But returning to talking about the Theologies, we will present below, which are the existing ones:

A Liberation Theology: the interpretation of the Bible is done through the suffering of the poor, and through the struggle of Christian communities, in the midst of so many injustices.

Prosperity Theology: interprets the Bible so that they can understand that God has health and blessing to deliver to the people.

Reformed Theology: belief system that is based on the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.

Contemporary Theology: as the name itself says, this theology refers to current times, with the evolution of dogmas, and thoughts on biblical doctrine.