When is it possible to withdraw the FGTS? - The Most Curious in the World
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When is it possible to withdraw the FGTS?

Do you know what the FGTS is, do you know when it will be possible to withdraw the FGTS? Or do you know how it works?


These are some of the main questions asked by people and also some of the main information that you should be aware of.

Even though it is a subject that is much talked about these days, there are still many people who have little or no knowledge about it.


If you are one of those same people, know that you are in the right place, because in this article on the site The Most Curious in the World, you will be able to access the best and main information that are related to the same subject.

What is FGTS?

The FGTS acronym is used to abbreviate the words: Severance Indemnity Fund.

It was created with the main objective of carrying out a kind of help for those workers who were fired without presenting any just cause.

By opening a certain account, which is bound to your employment contract.

At the beginning of each new month, employers deposit an amount corresponding to 8% of the total salary of their employee, who is also the main owner of the account in which the money is deposited.

These accounts are accounts found at Caixa Econômica Federal.

Where the FGTS, is built by the total and added value, which these monthly deposits present and also in the values, which belong to the employees and who can dispose of the total amount of money that was deposited in their name, at certain times.

Who is entitled to withdraw the FGTS?

People who are allowed to withdraw and have their FGTS are any and all people who have an account linked to it.

Where these same accounts can be active or not.

The following people also have the right to withdraw their FGTS:

  • Workers working in rural areas;
  • Intermittent workers;
  • Workers who are temporary;
  • Workers who are independent;
  • Saffrons, who are workers who work only during the harvest period and rural workers;
  • Those who are professional athletes, for example: soccer players, basketball players, among others;
  • Domestic servants;

Regarding the value of this benefit, it is approximately R$ 1,045.00 for each worker who is entitled.

Receiving your FGTS

Well, your FGTS withdrawal can be carried out until December 31st, but Caixa Econômica Federal created a calendar.

Where in it, it is possible to see in an organized way, when you will be able to withdraw your FGTS, according to the month of your birthday.

The calendar is as follows:

Born in:Credit in the digital social savings account:Available for cash withdrawal or transfer to other accounts:

Therefore, in order for you to be able to withdraw your FGTS, you will need to follow exactly what is said in the calendar shown above.

So that way, there cannot be any kind of mistake or even some kind of mistake.

Where to receive my FGTS?

The FGTS payment will be made exclusively through a kind of digital savings account, which was opened by Caixa Econômica Federal, on behalf of all workers.

But, the movement in relation to this value, can be done in an easy way, through an application, which was created so that this type of process can be done.

The application is called Caixa Tem and is available for any and all mobile devices, be it an ANDROID or even an IOS.

For more information, you may be contacting Caixa directly, going directly to a Caixa branch, calling or accessing the company's official website.