One of the credit cards that has been gaining prominence in the digital banking market is the Will Bank credit card. It combines incredible features, zero annual fees and the possibility of having your transactions in the easiest way possible and in one place, without bureaucracy or time-consuming requests.
How to apply for my Will Bank credit card:
There are different ways for you to apply for your Will Bank credit card, whether on your computer or on your cell phone. You will only need to take a few minutes to fill in the necessary information to analyze your registration.
Order via the app:
The most traditional and practical way for you to request your Will Bank credit card is through the application. You can fill in your information quickly and take photos of the necessary documents directly from your cell phone. Filling in the information takes less than 5 minutes.
Order via the website:
You have the option of applying for your Will Bank credit card through your cell phone browser or your computer. But remember that the browser may be unstable, so don't worry if you need to refresh the page.
Can I request through other channels?
Will Bank does not yet allow users to apply for credit cards through other channels, and this can be a request made exclusively online. For further queries, customers can contact the ombudsman on the website.
How to apply for your Will Bank credit card?
Go to your cell phone's app store and search for Will Bank. Once installed, click on “CREATE NEW ACCOUNT” and start the process as the information appears. The application will notify you of any errors.
By clicking the button you will remain on the website!
A credit card that allows you to make purchases quickly both online and in person, presents you with efficient financial products that solve your day-to-day problems and even allows you to receive cashback on purchases is difficult to find, and that is the proposal from Will Bank, to stand out among the others.
- Erika
- December 20, 2023
- 3:05 pm