Below you will see the possibilities for applying for a card and you can choose which bank you have an account with or not. Take advantage of this opportunity and try to get your black card with benefits on apps, miles for travel or product exchange, among others.
Select your best option below:
Choose one of the options above and you will be redirected to content on our blog, where we explain how to order the best cards.
Which cards can I easily request and from which banks?
You can have cards from Banco Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Santander, Itau, Super Digital, Banco Neon among other banks. Our practice is to help you get your Black card and facilitate this request with the necessary guidance that the customer needs to be able to request it.
Sugar Loaf Mastercard BLACK
Digital Account
Physical Account
One of the best cards on the market is the Pão de Açucar Mastercard Black, which has a very interesting scoring system.
You will be directed to an external website
The Black Latam pass Itaucard Card is the card that can deliver a lot of points for flying with TAM or LATAM. Facilitating accumulation in the company
Digital Account
Physical Account
You will be directed to a partner website.
Common questions:
A Black card is a high-end type of credit card offered by many financial institutions. It is often associated with exclusive benefits such as access to airport lounges, premium rewards programs and higher credit limits.
To apply for a Black card, you generally need to have an excellent credit history and a high monthly income. Please contact your bank or financial institution for specific information about the requirements and application process.
Benefits of a Black Card can include access to airport lounges, premium travel insurance, concierge assistance, generous rewards programs, travel and shopping discounts, among others.
Yes, most Black cards have a substantial annual fee due to the premium benefits they offer. However, the benefits often outweigh this fee, especially for those who travel frequently.
It is highly unlikely that you will be approved for a Black card with a bad credit history. These cards are generally reserved for customers with an excellent credit history and high income. It's important to improve your credit history before trying to apply for a Black card.
- the most curious in the world
- November 11, 2023
- 12:55 pm
the most curious in the world
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