14th salary: who is entitled and what value it will be - The Most Curious of the World
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14th salary: who is entitled and what amount will be

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Bill No. 4,367 of 2020, authored by Deputy Pompeo de Mattos, from the PDT, is a proposal that deals with the payment of the 14th INSS salary. That said, the fourteenth salary of the INSS (National Social Security Institute) would be an annual allowance for social security beneficiaries here in the country. Therefore, retirees and pensioners.


The bill, created and developed with the main objective of reducing the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. To know everything about it, understand below:


14th Salary

Are you entitled to receive?

Find out who is entitled to receive payment of the 14th salary from the INSS:


Social Security beneficiaries in general, i.e. retirees and pensioners. Altogether, the beneficiaries of the pension account for around 31 million Brazilian citizens.

How will he be paid?

According to the project, the total value of the 14th INSS salary should be divided into 2 (two) installments. Both must be paid at the end of the year, in the same way that the 13th salary is paid at that time for workers who work for private companies.


The INSS fourteenth salary bill proposes a payment that can reach double the annual bonus already established by law. That is, the maximum amount of 2 (two) minimum wages, an amount that is expected to be paid in two installments.

The project also foresees that the criterion for determining the value of the installments to be received by each beneficiary must consider the amount received, by the INSS, by the retiree or pensioner of the institute.

In short, if you are eligible, you will receive an amount equal to 1 (one) minimum wage. You must receive a 14th salary that is equivalent to the amount of one salary.

In addition, retirees or pensioners who receive an amount greater than 1 (one) minimum wage from the INSS must receive a 14th salary corresponding to the minimum wage, plus a portion proportional to the difference between the minimum wage and the ceiling. of the INSS, currently estimated at R$ 7,087.22 reais per month.

As previously mentioned, the total amount of the fourteenth INSS salary cannot exceed the sum of 2 (two) minimum wages.

In this sense, it is important to highlight that the 2023 Budget Project has already been presented to the National Congress, which, therefore, establishes the value of R$ 1,302 reais as the minimum wage ceiling for next year.

I will receive?

The Bill that aims to introduce the 14th salary of the INSS is still in the process of being discussed in the Federal Senate, where it must be voted by senators and, if it is approved, then proceed to the presidential sanction.

In the last month of November, the project had a breakthrough. After two months without any movement, the project was approved by the Finance and Taxation Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. It is worth mentioning mainly by those who have expectations that the 14th INSS salary will finally be approved.

However, even so, despite this, there is no scheduled date or calendar for the installments of the fourteenth INSS salary to be paid. At the present time, the project is still waiting for the creation of a Temporary Committee by MESA, which is expected to enter into debate in 2023.