How do I apply for an elderly card? - The Most Curious in the World
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How do I apply for an elderly card?

This broad benefit is a great help in reducing expenses, in addition to generating monthly savings. Learn more in today's article.


The elderly card is one of the best benefits created by the Government Federal. Generating facilities and assisting in gratuity as an exemption of fares in transportation such as buses and Metro, still brings the advantage to offer the possibility of participating in other social programs.

If you are already 60 years old and interested in obtaining the document, continue reading and learn how to apply for the elderly card, in a way practical, agile and highly advantageous.


How do I apply for an elderly card?

What is the elderly card?

It is a document created by the Federal Government, which aims to benefit people aged 60 or over, offering gratuities and exemptions from other tariffs.

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In most areas, the elderly card offers discounts on travel tickets public transport or free. In the program offered by the government, the elderly must prove income of up to two monthly minimum wages. But the government also opened exemption to people who have other criteria of payments.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

But for that, it is necessary for the elderly to be enrolled in the CadÚnico to have the portfolio. In the federal government program, the elderly person who is participating may still count on other actions offered in the list of benefits.

Brazilians can apply for the elderly card naturalized, coming from any type of family. for being a single concession, only the elderly will be the holder of their card, not other members of the family or third parties may enjoy the facility.

How do I apply for an elderly card?

To apply for your elderly card, you have several options. Can the request in person or by digital means. See what's best he meets. It is worth remembering that, in times of a pandemic, the best option is request the document through digital channels. 

Thus, you will not need to leave the house and will do everything efficiently and quickly. Without tell you that you won't waste time to be attended to. Continue reading and see How to apply for an elderly card.

Personal assistance

To apply for your elderly card in person, you must go to a post of the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). to know the location closest to your home, visit here.

Attend one of the CRAS posts if you are not enrolled in CadÚnico. At one of the branches, you will be guided to make your registration and with that request your wallet. If you are already enrolled in the program registration, you can also apply for the elderly card in these places.

From the site

To find out how to request the elderly card digitally and faster, go to page no site of the Ministry of Citizenship. You must inform the NIS, which is the Social Registration Number generated by CadÚnico.

Before making your request on the website of the Ministry of Citizenship, you must register on the portal federal governmentl. The website offers access to several information about other benefits and services.

Estimated time

The elderly card will take, on average, about 120 days to be ready. Free, the program was developed based on the Statute of the Elderly.


Be sure to participate in this action proposed by the Federal Government. The benefit is extended to all people over 60 and will facilitate quite the day to day. If you fit the modalities, don't miss it anymore time.

Save on transport in your day to day and get facilities. Not counting that your enrollment in CadÚnico will also allow you to participate in other programs if it fits the rules.

Strong hug!

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