New scholarship for entrepreneurs of R$ 1 thousand: how to win - O Mais Curioso do Mundo
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New scholarship for entrepreneurs of R$ 1 thousand: how to win


The future belongs to those who own their own business. That's what many experts in the job market say, encouraging some workers to make their own MEI and take over their businesses, becoming entrepreneurs.


And in this scenario, social programs appear in order to encourage this population. This includes, for example, the Empreendedor scholarship with payments of up to R$ 1 thousand. Keep reading

What is this startup subsidy for entrepreneurs?

First, let's talk about this program, which is a government initiative to help mainly low-income people. In summary, the Bolsa Empreendedor program is an action that will help three groups of people who want to start or already have their own business:


  • unemployed;
  • Informal workers;
  • MEIs (Individual Microentrepreneurs).

The good thing is that this program supports two installments that should be used precisely to develop your own business. Two of R$ 500.


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But how will Bolsa Empreendedor payments work in 2022?

According to the program's rules, those selected will receive scholarships to take a free Sebrae course.

Additionally, entrepreneurs can apply for the scholarship

  • Persons aged 18 years or over;
    Only literate – for qualification in the course;
  • Unemployed or MEIs;
  • Be a resident of the State of São Paulo;
  • Priorities for: women, brown, black, aboriginal and young people from 18 to 35 years old. In addition to low-income families, the focus is also on people with disabilities.

How to apply?

If you are interested, pay attention. Enrollment in the Entrepreneur Scholarship program in 2022 runs until next month only.

The chosen Brazilians will be contacted by email and SMS. However, to receive the 1st installment of the Entrepreneurship Grant, you need at least 80% of the completed Sebrae course and active MEI after completing the tasks

Step by step

  1. Access the Bolsa do Povo website:;
  2. Click on the 'Bolsa Empreendedor' option;
  3. Now click on 'Subscribe';
  4. On the registration page add all your information and that's it!
  5. Now all you have to do is wait for the email to come back.
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