Who can collect the new "IFE" 2023: all the Anses requirements - The Most Curious in the World
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Who can charge the new “IFE” 2023: all the Anses requirements

This time, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, and the director of the National Social Security Administration (ANSES), Fernanda Raverta, announced a new economic resource of $94,000. However, the news brings with it certain conditions and requirements that limit access, making informal workers the main beneficiaries of this measure.


Conditions for Accessing the Refund

ANSES has detailed a series of requirements that must be met to be eligible for this grant of two quotas. Firstly, applicants must be between 18 and 64 years of age by September 30, 2023. Therefore, it is imperative to have at least 2 years of permanent residence in Argentina, which reduces the priority given to those who has established roots in the country.

One of the most significant conditions is the exclusion of those who have registered income, that is, those who do not have formal employment, are not monotax workers, self-employed, or private house workers. This focus excludes those who receive any type of economic assistance from the State, such as Universal Asignation for Hijo (AUH), Asignación por Embarazo, Progresar, Prestación por Desempleo, or participating in social programs such as Potenciar Trabajo, among others.


Retired and retired people are also excluded, as are those who have health coverage. The ownership of vehicles less than 10 years old is also an impediment, although it should be noted that this does not apply to motorcycles.

Financial restrictions

The financial restrictions are notable, as it is prohibited to have consumption with a debit card and/or virtual bills exceeding $90,000 in the months of June and July 2023. Furthermore, accumulated consumption with a credit card cannot exceed $120 ,000 during the same period. This measure appears to be aimed at ensuring that the benefit is provided to those who really need it and who do not have abundant access to financial services.

The absence of operations with financial assets or foreign currency in the last 6 months and the lack of fixed deadlines during June or July 2023 are additional conditions that apply to applicants. These restrictions suggest a preference for those who have not been involved in financial transactions that are more complex or short-term investments.

Specific Assessment for Young People

The ANSES has also considered a specific evaluation for those who are between 18 and 24 years old and do not have children in charge of their spouse. In this case, the family group will be evaluated, with the condition that the parents do not have income with income equal to or greater than 3 Living and Furniture Minimum Salaries. Furthermore, you must not have acquired financial assets or foreign currency, without having fixed assets. The restrictions extend to the possession of vessels, aircraft or the declaration of personal property.

Need for a Valid Bank Account

Finally, ANSES establishes that it is necessary to have a bank account in the name of the applicant to receive the fund. This implies that only valid CBUs will be accepted, excluding virtual billing accounts or CVU.

Reflection on the Measures Adopted

This new fund of $94,000 in Argentina seeks to support informal workers, excluding those who have formal employment and other registered income. Financial restrictions suggest a strategy to reach those with greater economic needs, preventing the benefit from going to those who have access to larger financial resources.

However, it also raises questions about the exclusion of certain groups, such as those retired and those with health coverage. The specific evaluation for young people without adults seems to recognize different family and economic realities.

In short, this financial resource presents a series of conditions that seek to direct support to informal workers and those in the most precarious economic situations, but which raises questions about equity and inclusion in all sectors of the population.

Common questions:

The new economic resource of $94,000 has the objective of providing financial support to informal workers in Argentina. It seeks to assist those who do not have formal registered income and are facing more precarious economic conditions.

Those who are retired, retired, have health coverage, register vehicles less than 10 years old, own real estate properties, aircraft, vessels or have certain levels of financial consumption during June and July 2023, among other conditions, are not eligible. .

For this specific group, the family group will be evaluated. Fathers should not have income equal to or greater than 3 Living and Furniture Minimum Salaries, without having carried out certain financial transactions or poser for two years.

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