How to Register for the Chile Solidario Program: Steps and Requirements - The Curiosest in the World
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How to Register for the Chile Solidario Program: Steps and Requirements

The Chile Solidario system stands as a fundamental pillar in the fight against extreme poverty in the country, promoting the inclusion of families and people in precarious situations into social protection networks. Its main objective is to provide dignified living conditions that allow these groups to overcome indigence and advance towards a more prosperous future.


In this article, we will detail the steps necessary to enroll in the various programs that form Chile Solidario.

Puente Program: A Puente has a Better Life

The Puente Program is specifically designed for families who find themselves in situations of extreme poverty. This program is carried out by municipalities and receives technical support from the Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social (FOSIS). To sign up for the Puente Program, follow these steps:


  1. Contact with the Municipality: Go to your local municipality to obtain detailed information about the Puente Program and registration requirements.

  2. Required Documentation: Make sure you have all the necessary documents, which may include income receipts, family information, and other relevant documents.

  3. Interview and Evaluation: After submitting your documents, you will participate in an interview and evaluation to determine your eligibility for the program.

  4. Follow-up and Support: If you are accepted into the Puente Program, you will receive follow-up and support from specialized professionals to facilitate your transition to better living conditions.

Links Program: Support for Vulnerable Adults

The Links Program focuses on supporting adults and older adults who live in vulnerable conditions and soils. This program, carried out at municipal level, relies on technical assistance from the Servicio Nacional del Adulto Mayor (SENAMA). To sign up for the Links Program, follow these steps:

  1. Consultation at the Municipality: Go to your local municipality to obtain information about the Links Program and the requirements for registration.

  2. Documentation Requirements: Prepare the necessary documents, such as identification, residency tests, and any other specific requirement.

  3. Eligibility Assessment: Participate in an evaluation process to determine whether you meet the program requirements.

  4. Specialized Support: If accepted, you will receive specialized support to improve your quality of life, provided by SENAMA professionals.

Calle Program: Transforming Realities on the Calle

The Calle Program focuses on working with adults who find themselves in a street situation. This program is carried out by municipalities, Provincial Governments and NGOs, with technical administration in charge of the Ministry of Social Development. To sign up for the Calle Program, follow these steps:

  1. Contact with Executing Entities: Bridge in contact with municipalities, Provincial Governments or NGOs that execute the Call Program in your area.

  2. Registration and Evaluation: Register for the program and participate in an evaluation process to determine your specific situation and needs.

  3. Technical Assistance: Once accepted, you will receive technical assistance to address the causes of your street situation and work towards successful social integration.

Abriendo Caminos Program: Supporting Children and Niñas in Difficult Situations

The Abriendo Caminos Program is designed to support children and families facing forced separations due to the execution of convictions of someone in their family. This program is carried out by government organizations, with design and methodological support in charge of the Ministry of Social Development. To register for the Abriendo Caminos Program, follow these steps:

  1. Contact with Executing Organizations: Search for organizations in the government that run the Abriendo Caminos Program in your area and communicate with them.

  2. Registration Process: Complete the registration process by providing the necessary information about the situation of your family and children involved.

  3. Intervention Design: Once accepted into the program, a specific intervention will be designed to provide support to children affected by situations of forcible separation.





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Chile Solidario operates through specialized programs, such as Puente, Vínculos, Calle y Abriendo Caminos, which provide psychosocial support, intermediation and support to facilitate the social integration of people and families.

Chile Solidario operates through specialized programs, such as Puente, Vínculos, Calle y Abriendo Caminos, which provide psychosocial support, intermediation and support to facilitate the social integration of people and families.

Chile Solidario works with programs such as Puente (extreme poverty), Vínculos (vulnerable older adults), Calle (adults in street situations) and Abriendo Caminos (children in situations of forcible separation).

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