Unemployment Subsidy 2023 - The Most Curious in the World
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Unemployment Subsidy 2023

Unemployment Benefit

Unemployment is a situation that can affect any worker at different times in their working life. In Uruguay, the State has implemented a program that aims to offer economic support to those workers in the private sector who find themselves in this involuntary situation: the Unemployment Subsidy.


Next, we offer you a detailed description of this benefit, its requirements and how to access it.

What is the Unemployment Subsidy?


The Unemployment Subsidy is a government initiative that seeks to cover the contingency of forcible unemployment. Through this program, a monthly subsidy is provided to private sector workers who have lost their job. This economic assistance is provided for a period of up to 6 months, and those interested in accessing this benefit have a period of 30 days, from then onwards or suspending their work activity, to make the request.

Who can access the Unemployment Subsidy?

To access this benefit, workers must meet certain requirements related to their previous employment history before unemployment. You must have been on the work schedule for 180 days, continuously or no, in the last few months prior to the unemployment event. However, these requirements vary depending on the sector of activity and the type of worker:

  • Employees with monthly remuneration: You must have calculated 180 days in a spreadsheet.
  • Daily employees: There must be registered on the spreadsheet 150 newspapers worked on in just 180 days.
  • Employees with variable remuneration (tenants): You must have achieved a minimum of 6 BPC within a period of 180 days on the spreadsheet.

The program covers different sectors and types of workers, from private BPS contributors, to dismissed teachers and teachers, to cooperative members and directors of public limited companies who comply with certain specific conditions. Furthermore, it covers workers from various national institutions and those hired by state bodies under certain conditions.

What does the Unemployment Subsidy offer?

The main benefit of the program is a monthly cash subsidy, granted for a period of up to 6 months.

Zones of influence

The program has reach throughout the country, covering departments such as Montevideo, Artigas, Canelones, and many others, up to Treinta and Tres.

How do you access the Unemployment Subsidy?

To access the subsidy, it is necessary to make a day and hour reservation, which can be done online through the website of the Banco de Previsión Social (BPS) or by calling number 1997. Applicants must present themselves at any BPS office in In the country, it is essential to use the single form for requesting benefits, which is available on the BPS website.

Unemployment Benefit

The Unemployment Subsidy is a government initiative that seeks to cover the contingency of forcible unemployment.

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It is a government program that offers economic support to private sector workers in Uruguay who have lost their job involuntarily, offering a monthly subsidy for a period of up to 6 months.

    • You have 30 days from the date of suspension of your work activity to request this benefit.

Requirements vary depending on the type of worker, but in general, you must have been on the work schedule for 180 days (continuous or non-stop) in the last few months prior to unemployment.

The subsidy is provided for a period of up to 6 months.

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