Serasa application: how to check if the name is dirty?
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Serasa application: how to check if the name is dirty?

how to check if the name is dirty

Nowadays, it has become less bureaucratic, simpler and faster to resolve that doubt if your name is on the Serasa defaulter register. Check out this article to find out.

With the increasingly evident advancement of digital tools, there are benefits that can be advantageous in day-to-day practicality. And using the Internet on this occasion makes queries of our personal data much easier.


One of them is how to check if the name is dirty with Serasa. The company created an information application where you can register and access your personal data, such as checking your CPF and score of points. It is still possible to check your positive record, information about your payment punctuality and, if your name is negative, you can check offers of payment agreements with creditor companies.

Download the Serasa app

Through your cell phone, you can download the Serasa application and confirm your registration data and find out if your name is dirty. Look for the app on the Play Store, for systems android, or Apple Store, for iOS.


When accessing the application, you will make a brief registration and you will be able to have access to all the information pertinent to your CPF. It's a very objective way of knowing how to check if the name is dirty or not.

Learning to use the Serasa application

The first steps for using the Serasa application is to learn how to check if the name is dirty, they are extremely easy. And best of all, it's all done for free. 

When you open the program and after registering, right from the start you will know if there are restrictions on your CPF. the query of score of points can help in decision making.

And the application also offers consultations to notarial protests, returned checks, legal actions and matters of the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil. 

The application also provides advantages such as offers of agreements with the creditor company, through a system of discounts on the amount owed. Thus, it will be possible to trade directly on the portal, without leaving home. In addition to establishing new payment methods and removing your name from the list of defaulters. 

debt control

During the pandemic period, many people lost income or became unemployed. As a result, there was a large increase in the number of defaulters. And at the same time, there was a greater demand for negative CPFs and personal names.

According to the latest data collected, there are more than 60 million Brazilians in debt and with restrictions imposed by credit protection agencies. To try to reverse the issue, Serasa launched the application to facilitate communication between the debtor and the creditor company, with the intention of helping him to obtain credit again and leave customers free of pending issues. 


What does Serasa do?

Serasa is a company that has been active since the 1960s, providing services to society with the intention of leveraging business. It aims to encourage market consumption, favoring credit and helping to guide financial awareness.

The company currently seeks to induce financial behavior so that Brazilian citizens do not have credit restriction problems. And neither do you find yourself in situations of not being able to acquire goods or carry out improvements.

With highly modern and digital support, Serasa offers several credit line options and also guides the population to maintain rules and care with money. In digital development, it offers services with data queries through the application and also through its official website.

And within the scope of solutions, the citizen can obtain information on how to know if the name is dirty or other restrictions. In a clear and concise way, agreements and results are reached.

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”We found out how to check your Score in SPC {And it's not through the Serasa application}” ]


As you can see in this article, it is easy, fast and very practical to know if your name is dirty with Serasa. 

Download the app and enjoy the benefits. Take your doubts and seek to negotiate, in case there are restrictions in your registration.