Brazil Aid - See if you are entitled - The Most Curious in the World
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Auxílio Brasil – See if you are entitled

The second installment of Brazil Aid will begin to be paid this Friday (10) by the federal government. The beneficiaries who will receive are those who have the end of the Social Registration Number (NIS) 1. According to the calendar released by Caixa Econômica Federal, payments of the second installment will run until December 23rd.


Despite the promises made by President Jair Bolsonaro (without party), the benefit Brazil Aid it will not contemplate 17 million people. This month, only 13 million beneficiaries will receive the aid. In November, 14 million families were benefited with an average value of R$ 224.00.

However, even though it is a subject that does not leave the news, many people still have doubts about the program that replaced Bolsa-Família. Therefore, if you want to know what Auxílio Brasil is, who is entitled to the program, how to register, the amount of the benefit, among many other questions, continue reading this article until the end and clear all your doubts!


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What is Brazil Aid?

In early November, President Jair Bolsonaro signed the decree that regulated the Auxílio Brasil program in order to replace the Bolsa Família income distribution program, created in 2003. The measure is a way of increasing the president's popularity, which has been decreasing to the 2022 elections.

The payment in the amount of R$ 400 already has an end date. This is because Auxilio Brasil will only last for one year, scheduled until December 2022. For the benefit, around R$ 9.3 million of the budget allocated to Bolsa Família were allocated.

The payment of the amount of R$ 400 follows the schedule established by Caixa Econômica Federal, which takes into account the beneficiary's final NIS number. It is worth remembering that those families that received less than R$ 400 in November will not have an increase in the value of December.

However, despite the benefit being intended to replace Bolsa-Família, created during the Workers' Party (PT) government, Auxílio Brasil uses the records of people enrolled in the old program.

Brazil Aid - See if you are entitled

                                                                    Source: Image from (Google)

Who is entitled to the Brazil Aid?

This is a question that can confuse most people's minds. After all, such an important change can greatly influence the income of thousands of Brazilians.

Therefore, to resolve all doubts: the new aid will be paid to families with a per capita family income of up to R$ 100.00. These families fit into a situation of extreme poverty.

Families in poverty, that is, who receive up to R$ 200 will also receive the aid. However, the condition for receiving the benefit is that families must have, among their members, pregnant women or people under 21 years of age.

How to receive Assistance Brazil?

There are three ways to receive assistance. Therefore, it is time to pay attention to the rules so as not to lose the benefit:

  1. If the person is already registered in Bolsa-Família, the Brazil Aid is paid automatically. Therefore, there is no need to register.
  2. If the citizen has a Single Registry (CadÚnico), but is not a Bolsa Família beneficiary, he/she joins a waiting list. This list takes into account several factors, such as, for example, families with greater social vulnerability. They are: families with people in child labor; quilombolas; indigenous groups; families with components freed from a situation analogous to slave labor; collectors of recyclable materials, among other categories.

After assisting vulnerable people, families with lower per capita income will be identified. The Ministry of Citizenship will also take into account the municipalities with the highest poverty rates.

  1. If the person does not have the CadÚnico, it is necessary that they seek a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or the City Hall of their municipality to carry out the registration. It is worth remembering that, in this case, there are no guarantees of receiving the aid.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, Aid Brazil will not be immediately granted, even if the person is registered in the Cadastro Único. However, the responsible body stated that, month by month, new people can be entered.

If you want to check your payment, in the app box has, available for Android and iOS, you can get more information about the aid, as well as balance and payment schedule.

What are the main benefits of the program?

Did you know that Brazil Aid has nine modalities? According to the federal government, three main benefits form the “basic core” of the new program. Are they:

The first is the “Early Childhood Benefit”, the modality is intended for families with children up to three years old. The benefit must be paid for each child, who is in this age group, per family.

The second benefit was named “Family Composition Benefit”, it takes into account families with pregnant women or people between 3 and 21 years of age. It is worth remembering that the Bolsa-Família only contemplated young people up to 17 years old. According to the government, this benefit is a way to encourage permanence in studies.

The third modality that is part of the main nucleus is the “Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty”, this aid will be used if the family's monthly income remains below the extreme poverty line. In this case, the number of family members will not be counted.

Discover the other 6 benefits of the program:

The first of the six benefits is the “Auxílio Esporte Escolar” aimed at young people from 12 to 17 years old who stand out in the Brazilian School Games and who are benefited by the Auxílio Brasil. The second grant, named “Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship” is aimed at students who perform well in scientific competitions and who are also awarded the Brazil Grant.

The third modality corresponds to the “Auxílio Criança Cidadã” (Citizen Child Aid) aimed at those responsible for children from zero to 48 months old who, despite having an income, cannot find places in public or private day care centers. The “Rural Productive Inclusion Aid”, corresponding to the fourth benefit, aims to support family farmers who are enrolled in CadÚnico for 3 years.

The fifth and sixth grants correspond to the “Urban Productive Inclusion Aid” and the “Transition Compensatory Benefit”. The second is aimed at families who were waiting for the payment of Bolsa Família, but lost a significant part of the amount with the change to Auxílio Brasil. But attention! It is worth remembering that this benefit will only be granted during the implementation period of the program.