Boa Vista application: how to check if the name is dirty?
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Boa Vista application: how to check if the name is dirty?

how to check if the name is dirty

the Boa Vista Application offers free consultations to personal data. 

Want to learn how to check if the name is dirty? The Boa Vista application offers this option, through simple, quick and practical consultations, which will help in the agility of information. And better, all for free!


How to Consult if the name is dirty?

Downloading the Boa Vista app

The first step to consult your registration data and how to know if your name is dirty starts here. Download the Boa Vista application on your cell phone, through the Play Store, for systems android, or Apple Play, for iOS. 


When accessing it, register your information. You will immediately have details about your financial situation. through your score of points, you will be able to confirm your management and punctual control of your payments.

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It is through the score that banks and financial institutions analyze the granting of credit to their customers. This punctuality informs whether the client is able and does not pose risks to the institution regarding the contracting and discharge of obligations.

In a simple and quick way, you will know if you have any restriction in your name and CPF, and you will be able to obtain information to settle your debt and leave the list of defaulters.

Is the Boa Vista Application safe?

No doubt! Your information is highly protected and you can access the Boa Vista Application from your cell phone or through the website. Browsing and collecting your data will not be visible and all operations are guaranteed. You can access it without worries.

How to check if the name is dirty?

To access your information on the Boa Vista Application, download it on your cell phone and follow the instructions when connecting it. Upon entering, you will make a small informative registration with your personal data. Then, and when completing the registration form, you will have free access to carry out several checks in your name and CPF.

In the Boa Vista Application, in addition to understanding how to check whether the name is dirty, it is possible to check other pending issues such as bad checks, lawsuits, protests at notary offices and information on your name at the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil. 

It is also accessible in the Boa Vista Application, analyzing your positive record, which is an information set about your punctual obligations in the market, such as bill payments and financial behavior.

With the point score, an icon that shows whether you are compatible with contracting debt, your financial lines are clearer to companies that have released credit. And your points are a small reminder to be aware of appointments.

In general, the point score should be close to 1000. An average of around 500 or 600 indicates that you tend to get into debt in the coming months. 

Enjoy free access, and browse your registration information. 

controlling the finances

Unfortunately with the pandemic, many Brazilian citizens saw their incomes decrease or became unemployed. As a result, many people were unable to maintain their financial obligations and had their names and CPFs denied by credit protection agencies.

Today, there are around 60 million Brazilians indebted and with restricted credit. In the Boa Vista Application, you can learn how to negotiate your debts, and how to take precautions and keep your finances up to date, through reminders that will help you pay bills and other matters. 


Digital tools are increasingly valued in people's daily lives. In addition to offering practicality and security, they allow the population to obtain data and facilitate the conduct of business, pending issues or simple information.

As a result, checking whether your name is dirty is also faster and less bureaucratic.

Follow the tips in this article and look for the best conditions and offers to solve financial problems. Get rid of debt and seek a more peaceful life.