How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp? - The Most Curious in the World
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How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp?

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If there's one app that millions of smartphone users have in common these days, it's definitely the Whatsapp.


WhatsApp represents the most popular messaging application in the world, thanks to its simple and efficient mechanism to use. Although there are much more powerful alternatives, this option has become the benchmark when it comes to communication tools. In this sense, we want to clarify a doubt that many users have and it is how to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp?

If you tried to text someone and got no response, we'll help you recognize the signs that you've been blocked. For this, we will not use external applications or services.


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Keep reading the Most Curious article to understand this issue.

Knowing you've been blocked on WhatsApp is not something we can 100% accurately determine with an app. For this reason, the process we will follow to determine it is based on answering a series of questions that we are going to show you.

That said, the more negative responses the questions in question have, the more likely it is that you were blocked. Likewise, if all the answers are negative, you can guarantee that you were, in fact, blocked by your crush (or ex).

Can you see your last connection in the app?

We know that seeing the last connection, that is, seen online for the last time, is an option that can be disabled, however, for those who have it active, it represents the first “symptom” of that block to be checked. If you try to check when the last connection was and it doesn't show the exact time as usual, you already have the first sign of blockage.

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Has the profile picture changed?

Many WhatsApp users tend to be very active in the area of their profile picture, changing it frequently. In this sense, if you notice that the contact in question has kept the same photo in your account or simply does not appear, we can add a new point of questions that you have been blocked .

However, we must highlight the fact that this does not represent a decisive result to say that you are under the WhatsApp blocking function. That is, there are many factors that can influence someone to stop updating their profile picture. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to understand the questions of the Most Curious.

Are your messages sent?

Our next question is to check if the messages you send to the contact in question are reaching him normally. Let's remember that some indicators are used in the WhatsApp chat area to show the status of the messages that we send. Thus, one check indicates that the message was sent and two checks represent that it was received. In turn, the double blue check shows that the sent message was also read, however, it is an optional configuration.

In this sense, if you sent a message to this contact and only a check is displayed, it means that your message did not arrive. Although this could be due to different factors that involve, above all, the lack of connection, in this context it adds a new symptom to know if you have been blocked in WhatsApp.

Can you make a call through WhatsApp?

This test is one of those that provides more specific answers on how to know if you've been blocked on WhatsApp. In this way, open the chat of the contact in question and tap on the voice call option at the top of the interface, between the video call button and the 3 dots icon .

If you are able to establish the call, you can drop the block. On the other hand, if this process gives you an error, that is definitive proof that you have been blocked.

So these are the questions that add up to conclude if you took that block on zap.


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