THIS app shows what your children will be like - The Most Curious in the World
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THIS app shows what your children will be like


Throughout life, relationships bring to life people who become very important to us. Children are a fundamental pillar, and thanks to that we can continue to maintain our great base thanks to the genes, which usually have part of the father and mother.


In this article, we show you the best apps to see what your kids will be like, specifically, there are two tools in this list. With the use of each one of them, you will be able to see through two photos how your child could be a few years old, being able to choose his age from an interval.

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Baby Generator Application

This well-known app uses Artificial Intelligence to show you what your potential child will look like just by sending a photo of the couple, you and your girlfriend. The similarity of the little one with the two will have an air, the positive thing is that the little one usually has the face of a child between approximately 4 to 6 years old.

Among its settings, you can choose the child's age, as well as gender, for example, if you prefer it to be a girl, it will show you that, in addition to giving you the option to change it to a boy at the moment. Baby Generator is a generally good tool, well rated and scoring an overall 3.8 out of 5 stars.

Baby Generator has a well-known editor, you can make photo collages, including the baby that appeared, which is downloadable image. The good thing about this is that it focuses on giving the child the biggest tummy, which usually resembles the two, whether in the eyes, nose and other details.

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 Baby Maker

After testing it, BabyMaker Predicts is the best, giving the most similar picture of your future child, at least a very similar picture. The prediction doesn't take long to appear, it will show both genders, if you want to see if it's a man or a woman, do it in two small images.

Among the selectable preferences, there are several things, including being able to select the age in a range, the sex of the creature, the person who most resembles it, in addition to other details. To this is added a very elaborate AI , it will cost you about 2 minutes to be able to take two photos, expanding if you want in the application.

It is one of the funniest apps when it comes to seeing what your children will look like on Android, the end result is shareable on social networks and the most useful apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, among others. Along with the first one, they are two of the best tools to see the forecast.

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All apps are on play store