Check out what the PIS/PASEP is and what the changes are for 2023 - The Most Curious in the World
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Check out what the PIS/PASEP is and what the changes are for 2023

So today you will learn how to withdraw PIS/PASEP, know what it is and also be aware of the changes for 2023. article below for the main PIS/PASEP information.


In addition, we will learn more about the allowance that is a right of workers in Brazil. So, if you work with a formal contract and have more than 5 years of records, know that you can receive up to a minimum wage related to PIS/PASEP.

But, if you want to know more about the subject and also, know what is needed to have access to the money, be sure to read until the last line to stay on top of the details.


What is PIS/PASEP?

Called the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Civil Servant Asset Formation Program (PASEP) are social tax contributions that must be paid to all Brazilians included in the labor rules.

The PIS/PASEP refers to a minimum wage paid once a year. And it is aimed at Brazilians who have records in their portfolio for at least 30 days during the base year, which is usually the year before the payment.

Are YOU entitled to PIS/PASEP?

Said before, all workers with a formal contract, both in the public sector and in the private sector, can receive the PIS/PASEP wage bonus. However, some rules must be observed so that the citizen has access to this amount. Thus, the first important point is that the worker needs to be registered in the salary bonus database for at least 5 years.

But it means that, in order to receive the allowance in 2022, your first portfolio registration must have been in 2017, or before. In addition, the worker must have performed professional activities for at least 30 days during the base year, which in this case is 2021.

The citizen's profits also cannot exceed the mark of 2 minimum wages, or 2424 reais per month during that period. With the rules fulfilled, he will be entitled to the allowance.


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PIS/PASEP values

The amount of the allowance is calculated based on the number of days worked during the base year. That is, every 30 days or a month of exercise in professional activities registered in the portfolio, the worker is entitled to one hundred reais.

So, for those who worked for 6 months, for example, the allowance will be 606 reais, and so on, respectively.

Therefore, to be entitled to receive a bonus salary, the worker must perform the function for all 12 months of the base year. Thus, the result of the sum reaches 1212 reais, which is the current minimum wage.

How to withdraw and change 2023

Do you already know what PIS/PASEP is? Let's continue then.

The withdrawal can be done in several ways and this will depend on whether or not you have an account at Caixa Econômica Federal. In addition, it is also possible to make the withdrawal through the Citizen Card or in person, at an agency of the institution. Therefore, see below how to proceed in each case.

If you have a checking or savings account at Caixa
The easiest way to withdraw PIS/PASEP amounts, as for Caixa account holders, the money is credited automatically, on the stipulated date.

To check if the money is already available, you can access your Internet Banking or go to an ATM. In this way, it is possible to withdraw or transfer the money to another account.

If you have PIS/PASEP on your Citizen Card and password
The easiest way to withdraw PIS/PASEP. For this, you only need your Citizen Card and password.

When going to an ATM, just insert the card. Then enter the password and check the balance. If the money is already available, just select the withdrawal option, confirm your password and withdraw the amount.

If you do not have a Caixa account or Citizen Card
If you are not a Caixa account holder and do not have a Citizen Card or password, you will need to go to a bank branch. Don't forget to bring an identity document.

In addition to being a little more time consuming, this is also an effective way to carry out the withdrawal. Now that you know how to withdraw PIS/PASEP, see which is the best option for you. So, get your paycheck.