Learn how to consult your PIS online and see the new 2022 payment calendar - The Most Curious in the World
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Find out how to check your PIS online and see the new 2022 payment schedule

Thanks to recent advances in technology, we have achieved greater simplicity and agility in the process and managed to carry out bureaucratic processes without a headache. We no longer need to spend endless hours waiting for banks or government institutions, using only simple cell phones with internet access. And that's why we got it now check your PIS online


One of the processes that can now be done online, via cell phone, as mentioned above, is check your PIS online. In fact, the process is extremely simple and does not require a physical bank branch to run. want to know how consult the PIS online? Read the article!

Learn how to check your PIS online

There are several ways to check your PIS. Keep reading and discover the main ones.


Consult your fgts now
FGTS payment table
Check the payment date of the pi


To consult the PIS online through My INSS, it is necessary to have a CPF in hand. After that, just follow these steps:

First, in your browser, go to “My INSS”.

Then click on “connect to gov.com”.

Enter your CPF

If you are already registered, just enter your password and the connection will be made.

If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one, but don't worry, the process is very simple, quick and easy. To register, you will only need to fill in the additional information of your main data, such as date of birth, name, mother's name, cell phone, email and state.

After registration, you will be redirected to the login area where you must fill in your CPF and enter the password that the site automatically generates for you and sends you by email.

If you have not received the password. Click on the “I forgot my password” option and create a new password.

Log in.

And ready! Now you can log in, access your profile on the website and get check your PIS online

Caixa Econômica Federal website

You can also view the PIS online on the official website of the Caixa Econômica Federal Federation. For this, follow these steps:

Search the cashier's official website and go to the option “Benefits and Programs”, then go to “Employee Benefits” and finally click on “PIS”.

Then select the “View Payments” option.

Fill in the mandatory fields with the personal data that will be requested, such as the PIS number and registered password. for the application My INSS, if this is your first visit, you will need to register.

After registering or logging in, you will have access to a panel where you can view your statement. In this window you will be able to consult all the information related to your service.

Cash App

Finally, you can also consult your PIS online through the Caixa app. Follow the steps below and learn how to access the Caixa application.

Open your cell phone's app store and look for the Caixa Trabalhador app. Download the app and wait for it to install on your mobile device.

Open the app and login/register. Enter your PIS number and click on “Access”. Remember that if you just want check your PIS online, you will not need to register.

Then click on “Access” on the main screen of the application. In this section, you can see if you have any PIS account available, associated with the number entered in the initial step of the request.

If you want to check the values, you will need to register or login. If you have already registered, but do not remember your password, click on the option “I forgot my password” and wait for the password to be automatically generated by the portal or the link to generate a new password to be sent to you by e-mail.

if after check your PIS online, you verify that the funds are available for withdrawal, you can follow and know the possible dates for these withdrawals, so always follow the information provided by the application.

About online PIS queries

All the ways that we have listed in this article for check your PIS online are reliable. These are the official channels of the Federal Government and provide accurate information about your PIS. In addition to online PIS consultations, other consultations related to the lives of workers, such as INSS services, can always be carried out, in addition to scheduling expert examinations.

If you believe that there is incorrect information in your query, please contact us through the “Alô Trabalhador” portal on 158. Workers with PASEP connection can call the Banco do Brasil Customer Service Center on 00 0001 for capitals and metropolitan regions and 0800 729 0001 for domestic areas.

If you still have questions about the PIS (Social integration program), access the official website of Caixa Econômica Federal. In addition to knowing consult the PIS online, you will also find there complete information on the subject and various contents about this segment to help you solve your doubts and help you with tips that will make your day to day easier.

The Caixa Econômica Federal Portal is the official channel for workers, in addition to PIS, it covers other topics, such as unemployment insurance, retirement, labor INSS, FGTS, salary remuneration, among others.

In addition to the Caixa portal, Gov.br, the official government channel, also provides information and news on these and other matters for workers. Access the portals and clear all your doubts.

New PIS/PASEP 2022 payment schedule

Check the benefit payment dates according to your date of birth (PIS) or final registration number (PASEP):

check your PIS online
PIS payment schedule
PASEP payment schedule