iPhone forever? Discover Banco Itaú's exclusive program
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iPhone forever? Discover Banco Itaú's exclusive program

iphone forever

Since its launch, the iPhone has been the object of desire for many Brazilians. Apple's coveted cell phone wins versions annually and has become darling among mobile line users. However, its price in Brazil remains exorbitant. While in the United States, land of manufacture, it costs an average of USD500 to USD700, in Brazilian soil, outdated models cost in the range of 3 thousand reais.


There have always been offers and conditions for those who want an Iphone. The purchase methods are varied and many partnerships between manufacturers, cellular line operators and other companies were carried out to bring customers closer together. However, over time, the conditions of acquisition have not changed much. Due to the high dollar, the price of the device remains very high.

But, a new partnership surprised. Banco Itaú, attentive to market conditions, created the Iphone forever campaign. The financial giant offers, to its customers and non-customers, more succinct ways for those who want to buy an Iphone. See how it works and who knows, maybe this is the chance for you to have your dreamed and desired Apple cell phone? Check out!


What is Iphone forever?

The Iphone forever campaign was created by Banco Itaú, with the intention of offering advantages and better conditions to those who want to buy an Iphone. In the program, the bank offers possibilities to its Itaú, Personnalité, and Itaucard and Credicard customers. (with the exception of the Zero version), exclusive offers for the acquisition.

How it works?

In the campaign, the purchase is completely digital. Through the website of Itau, the customer will be migrated to an exclusive page and will be able to access the purchase information, choose the available models and conditions. 

The purchase is posted on the credit card bill, starting from 21 installments of R$ 149.72 (70% of the value of the device), including the final payment. In a short time, the device is delivered to the customer's residence.

At the end of the installments, users will be offered the option of keeping the device, returning it or exchanging it for another model. However, the customer must pay attention to this deadline, because if he wants to return the Iphone, he will not need to make the final payment of 30% of the amount.

If you want to keep the device, just pay the remaining 30%. Or if you opt for a new model, the customer will also not have to pay the rest of the purchase. 


How to hire?

When accessing the Iphone forever section on the Itaú website, the customer is directed to an exclusive page for purchasing the device. But there are important tips to know before making the purchase. Check out.

Credit cards

They are the only payment methods. Therefore, the purchase can only be made by the cardholder.

card limits

It is necessary to have a limit available on the total purchase equivalent to the installment.


The purchase is always made from 21 installments. It is not possible to anticipate them or buy in cash.


You can purchase up to five devices in your CPF.

device ownership

When making the purchase, Banco Itaú makes it clear in the rules of the Iphone forever program, that the device will belong exclusively to the customer. 


See how easy it is to have a brand new iPhone?

If you are an Itaú customer and have the credit cards mentioned in this article, take advantage. And if you are not a customer, but have one of the cards, you can also participate.

Now, for those who are not bank customers and do not have the cards, access the Itaú website and see how to become an account holder or acquire one of the participating credit cards.

Take advantage of the offers and happy shopping!

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