Find out if your CPF has already been used by someone else - The Most Curious in the World
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Find out if your CPF has already been used by someone else

You certainly must have wondered if your CPF has already been used by other people improperly. This is because with the increase in data leakage on the internet, many Brazilians have become concerned about this issue, which can be a serious problem if we do not take the necessary precautions. 


But keep calm! Know that the answer to this disturbing question can be found with the help of the internet. Since online and free tools can help you make this query and find out if your CPF has already been used without your permission. By consulting the credit protection service or Federal Government platforms, it is possible to find out if your name is involved in unknown schemes. 

Therefore, thinking about your security, we have separated five ways to know if your CPF is being used or has been used by other people in an improper way. Interested? So read the article until the end and find out now if you are experiencing any kind of fraud! 


Find out if your CPF has already been used by someone else

5 ways to know if your CPF has already been used by someone else 

1. Consult the Registrant

For those who don't know, the Registered is a system administered by the Central Bank that gathers all information on credit operations and any relationship with banks and financial institutions that are linked to the name of the citizen. You can access the Register whenever you want to monitor bank accounts associated with your CPF and check if there are account openings, unknown debts or transactions. Amazing, isn't it? 

And accessing this tool is even easier: you just need to validate your registration in the bank app you use. In this procedure, a PIN code will be generated. Then, just go to the Banco do Brasil website and access the Register, enter the PIN code and that's it! You will be able to view and have access to all the institutions that you already had or still have an active account. Fast, easy and secure. Can't miss it!

2. Consult Serasa Experian

Do you want to know if your CPF is regular or negative? Just consult the Serasa Consumer website. With it, you can check if your CPF is 'dirty' due to active debts. And to access it is very easy, just enter the platform:, register with some personal data and view outstanding debts. If you have open debts, the amount, company and original due dates will be shown on the website. 

However, if you do not know of any debt, it is very likely that you had your data stolen by other people who incurred this debt. In this case, you must contact the creditor institution to prove the fraud and solve this problem. 

3. Query the SCPC database

To consult the SCPC (Central Credit Protection Service) database, the process is very similar to that of Serasa Consumidor. You can check whether your name is linked to debts at SCPC by accessing the Boa Vista Consumidor Positivo website. On the website, you need to fill out a quick registration form with your personal details and identification number. After that, you can see if there is any type of debt in your name. Being quite safe. 

If there is something unknown with your CPF, the procedure is the same as for Serasa: look for the company that registered the debit in order to solve the fraud problem. 

4. Consult DataPrev

With the pandemic of the new coronavirus, many Brazilian citizens had their CPF improperly used to ask for Emergency Aid. As was the case with some celebrities. In this sense, citizens who suspected scams using their personal documents can consult the official page of the benefit to find out if there are any illegal requests in their name.

To do this, simply access the official CAD unico website.In it, you must inform your CPF, full name, date of birth and mother's name. Therefore, the website will show whether or not there is a request for assistance on your behalf. It's worth checking it out, isn't it?  

5. Monitor all your data with Serasa Premium

As Serasa Antifraud you can monitor your data to find out if your CPF was used in any illegal trade on the dark web. It is worth remembering that the dark web is a part of the internet dedicated to the trafficking of confidential information and other serious crimes. 

Serasa Antifraude also sends an alert message to the user when the CPF is used in a purchase or when a company is opened in the name of the citizen, for example. Among other moves involving your name. 

However, the Serasa Premium service requires a subscription, costing around R$ 25.90 per month. However, it is possible to carry out a free consultation to find out if your email or CPF is involved in movements on the dark web. By paying the Premium plan, it is possible to access other types of movements. It's worth testing and investing in security! 

Now that you know how to check if your name is involved in unknown debts, movements on the dark web, requests for social benefits or even illegal practices. It's time to choose the best site and check that no one is using your CPF improperly, isn't it? After all, all sites allow a free, fast and secure consultation. Can't miss it!