If you are looking for a credit card and currently have a negative credit card, it is important to know that there are still options available on the market. Although access to traditional credit may be limited in this situation, some alternatives may suit your needs.
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Choose one of the options above and you will be redirected to content on our blog, where we explain how to request a negative card.
BRB Flamengo Card
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The Flamengo credit card represents a union between the demand for financial solutions and the enthusiasm for football. This initiative is the result of collaboration between Banco de Brasília (BRB) and the Rio de Janeiro football club, Flamengo, making it available on the market.
Given that Flamengo has the largest fan base in Brazil and one of the most expressive globally, the public potential for this card is considerable. Discover more about the advantages that the Flamengo card offers its fans, the varieties available, the less favorable aspects and the procedures for acquiring it. Continue reading for more information!
- Corinthians Bmg Digital Account: Quick and simple opening.
- Mastercard Credit Card without Annual Fee: Offers credit and debit options at no additional cost.
- Exemption from Fees on Digital Account: There are no associated fees, providing fewer financial worries.
- Cashback System: Return of money directly to the account for purchases made with a credit card.
- Free Transfers: Make transfers to any bank free of charge.
- Deposit via Bank Slip: Possibility to generate invoices free of charge through the application or Internet Banking.
- Whatsapp support: Support and resolve queries with virtual assistant Duda via Whatsapp.
Common questions:
A card for negative creditors is a type of credit or prepaid card aimed at people with a negative credit history, that is, those who have their name in credit protection agencies such as SPC and Serasa.
Anyone with restrictions on their credit history can apply, including retirees, pensioners, public servants and fixed-income workers.
The main types include payroll cards (with payroll deduction for certain groups) and prepaid cards, where you carry a balance to use.
Generally, through banks that offer this modality, such as Banco BMG or Banco Pan. You must prove income and belong to one of the eligible groups.
For payroll cards, the analysis is less rigorous. In the case of prepaid cards, there is generally no credit analysis.
Gabriel Martins
I am a journalist, with more than 10 years of experience. My love for journalism motivates me to always look for the best stories and texts.
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