Nubank mobile insurance: discover the newest mobile phone insurance on the market - O Mais Curioso do Mundo
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Nubank mobile insurance: discover the newest mobile phone insurance on the market

Did you know that it is possible to make a cell phone insurance to prevent you from having damage with the device? That's right, considering that smartphones are increasingly elaborate and, consequently, increasingly expensive, taking out insurance really is an excellent decision. The idea is to avoid that in cases of claims, the loss of the cell phone is yet another loss.


For example, have you ever thought if you have one of the famous Apple models in your hands, such as the iPhone Pro Max, a device whose value exceeds R$10,000, and end up forgetting it on the table in the mall's food court or even suffering a robbery? Besides the experience being very unpleasant, it would be a great loss. It is precisely to avoid cases like this that the cell phone insurance you are very welcome.

Nubank mobile insurance: discover the newest mobile phone insurance on the market


With that in mind, recently Nubank launched its own cell phone insurance, an interesting option, because that way, you have more peace of mind to use the device without paranoia and avoid you being always alert in an attempt to avoid any shadow of damage, however small.

Know the details about mobile insurance

Nubank customers were notified via e-mails about the launch of the cell phone insurance from fintech. According to initial information, an iPhone 8 Plus model would cost, for example, around R$63.90 paid monthly. The deductible would have an average value of R$375.

the sale of cell phone insurance Nubank is not open yet, but we can say that the final idea is to ensure that the user has complete protection, if not the most complete on the market, which does not only include cases of theft, but also accidental damage, for example.

In this way, the consumer will be able to choose the type of insurance that he will want to take out, considering that the monthly fee can fluctuate according to the insurance that is taken out. In the most complete and, consequently, more expensive plan, the user will have complete coverage of the national and international smartphone, being able to receive another device in cases of falls, theft, or even loss.

Other information about Nubank cell phone insurance

The purpose of this product is to offer agility and resolution to the user in the most transparent and reliable way possible. There is still no release date for the cell phone insurance, however, it is expected to be released for sale in the coming months.

It is worth remembering that, in addition to cell phone insurance Nubank offers other similar products, such as life insurance, which costs around R$9 per month, and which, according to fintech, guarantees that beneficiaries earn a certain amount in the event of the holder's death .

Why take out cell phone insurance?

1 – You will be protected against robbery and theft.

2 – If the cell phone suffers irreversible damage or even if it is expensive to repair, you will be supported in the same way.

3 – If you forget your cell phone somewhere and can't get it back, you'll be grateful for taking out insurance!

4 – It is worth considering hiring, especially if you have made a considerable investment in purchasing your device. Or use it for work, for example.

Find out about the coverage available for Nubank cell phone insurance

  • Simple, qualified theft and theft;
  • Accidental damage (such as broken screen and water damage);
  • Complete coverage (accidental damage, simple theft, qualified and theft)
  • Insurance applies to cell phones purchased outside the country.
  • Coverage is complete, both for claims that have occurred in national territory, as well as internationally.

In addition to all that has been mentioned, learn about other advantages:

It is possible to do everything through the app in a personalized way, from simulation to hiring, spending just a few minutes;

  • Without fine print, fintech's proposal is for the user to be able to contract his cell phone insurance clearly;
  • Service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Nubank Insurance Differentials

O cell phone insurance Nubank is the only one on the market that covers accidental damage, in addition to all types of robbery and theft, including those that leave no trace. 

According to fintech, you will always have the service team at your disposal 24 hours a day, every day, and it also promises that the exchange of the device occurs in a simple, transparent and fast way.

If he fulfills all that he has promised, the cell phone insurance Nubank will have the best cost-benefit ratio on the market, as it will offer complete coverage that fits into the user's day-to-day life, made through monthly payments.

How to buy insurance

As we said, this product is not yet available for sale, however, if you are interested in cell phone insurance Nubank, you can join the waiting list available at fintech website. Just click here. That way, as soon as the product is released for sale, you will be notified by email and you will be able to purchase it.

A positive point already informed is that it is possible to cancel the insurance at any time, that is, there is no loyalty and the user who wants to cancel his cell phone insurance, you can do this quickly and without complications through the app itself.