Real-time bus: download and track your bus
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Real-time bus: download and track your bus

Many people still rely on buses to get around. But, there are times when public transport is delayed for some reasons. Therefore, the creation of an application that accompanies your bus in real time became necessary.


This way, you can find out the location of the public transport you need in real time. Like this, you won't be late or be kept waiting a long time for him. Yeah, it can happen that the bus is late or even early.

The application that we are going to introduce you to is the cittamobi. More than just enabling real-time bus tracking, he promises to make your routine easier. So that there are more hours for you to dedicate to what really matters.


CittaMobi: the app to track buses in real time

O CittaMobi is a great option to keep track of real information about public transport in your city. To do so, just select your most used route or line and you will receive arrival forecasts and alerts about possible delays.

Furthermore, you can also combine means of transport for your routes. This way, if you need to take two different buses, you can inform the app and he will give you information of both.

The application also provides functions for the person to recharge the bus pass. Thus, when adding balance on the card, you can use your own software as a payment method. Just bring your device closer and you will be paid by approximation.

However, it is important to point out that the CittaMobi has limited coverage and is present in more than 15 states in Brazil. And still owns interface adapted for voice commands and screen reading tools for visually impaired users.

Click here to go to the website of CittaMobi.

Save time tracking your bus in real time

The app came up so you can organize your day, tracking your bus in real time. Thus, drivers in each city provide arrival times. AND may refer to the exact location or be an estimate of the time.

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If getting around on public transport is part of your routine, you can favorite lines and points. In that sense, you provides quick access to forecasts and makes it even easier instead of wasting time looking for your line.

Another great feature of app is for you to discover the best route. To do this, just choose the place you want to arrive and the software will give you one step by step to your destination wanted.

O CittaMobi It has different transports. Including train, bus or even on foot. All these means are available for the user to optimize his path. Spend less time and money with the best route suggestions.

If you have a problem, it will already be solved!

Aiming at the comfort of users, the application provided a digital service. That way you can easily solve any kind of problem that you may have had. For example, being able to request gratuity, duplicate, credit update, cancellation and others.

In some states, problems with your transport card will be resolved with the company responsible for the operation. being the partners SPTrans, AESA, I'm diadema It is Our Card. Thus, making the customer more comfortable and secure with their pass.

There is still support via social media or email. The application to track buses in real time proposes that users use the medium not only for questions. But also to leave suggestions or constructive criticism to improve.

This so that the app become better and make it easier and easier for the people who use it. Because, by tracking your bus in real time and knowing its location, you can spare time to enjoy your day.

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