Have more money at the end of the month: savings tips for those in the red - The Most Curious in the World
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Have more money at the end of the month: savings tips for those in the red

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Our bills often end up piling up in an absurd way, turning into a snowball and preventing us from realizing our dreams and paying off our debts.



Are you tired of paying your bills every month and having nothing left for you? You feel like you're working just to pay bill after bill, without being able to keep up and enjoy your own money. Know that this situation is not easy to resolve, but there is a way to reverse it.



We created a manual with some tips for you, who want to restructure your financial life, keep all your bills paid and still have a little money to enjoy at the end of it all. You will need to be very regimented and be willing to control yourself when it comes to shopping for some time.

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Financial Education Manual

It's very frustrating to work all month and use the amounts received just to pay off debts. Workers need to keep their debts paid off, but they must have an effective emergency fund, and the possibility of providing leisure and fun activities for themselves and their family as well, without feeling guilty about it.

In the “Financial Education Manual”, which is the list we present here below, we have separated the best ways for you to start organizing yourself financially, without forgetting to pay off your outstanding debts and still managing to save amounts in the long term, and enjoy your own money .

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Create a Checklist

Before you start putting your planning into practice and seeing the results, you need to grab a paper and a pen, or the notepad on your cell phone and write down all the fixed expenses you have for the month. If possible, also write down variable expenses, but as many things can happen with fluctuating values, enter an approximate value.


Within your expenses, it's time to analyze what is really necessary or not. Which items are essential in your daily life and which ones wouldn't be missed if you cut them? This analysis is essential to understand where you are leaving money that can be used in other ways.

Set your goals

Now, you need to define your goals clearly and specifically. On this same paper, write the amount of your monthly income, and classify your goals as achievable in the short, medium or long term. In your goals you can define countless objectives, such as creating your emergency fund, buying a new cell phone or traveling.


It is important to face goals within your reality. There is no point in inserting a goal that is difficult to achieve in the short term to avoid frustration or making you give up on financial planning. Analyze your reality, your monthly income and what your biggest desires are in relation to consumption.

Educate yourself

Set aside time in your day to study and better understand the financial market. Knowledge can be fundamental when it comes to financial education, as you will not be doing loose things, but rather applying a strategy according to the current market. Attend, if possible, financial workshops and lectures.


Understand the investment market and other financial matters, even if you have no desire to join, it is important to know the concepts and how they directly impact the lives of workers and those who want to have passive income.

Prioritize payments

Now it's time to pay off your debts, in order of interest. Choose the debts with the highest interest, and even though it takes a while, depending on the amount of debt you have, eventually you will be able to pay it off and actually start investing in your financial planning,


It is important that you find out before paying where your name goes and whether it is on the banks' blacklist. This is an illegal practice, especially if you are paying off your debts correctly. Try to know a little better before paying through installment channels.

Watch your finances grow every month.

You with money in your pocket

By following your financial planning to the letter, you will see that after a while, your budget will be better adjusted, and you will be able to do the smallest things you never imagined doing before. Download an application just to help and analyze data about your financial life, for better performance.


It is worth remembering that for financial planning to be successful, dedication and organization are required, as it does not happen overnight. In fact, it may take months or years before you can adjust your finances, but you can be sure that it is a worthwhile task. Ready to adjust your wallet?

Common questions:

Financial education is essential because it empowers people to make informed decisions about their finances, avoid unnecessary debt, save for the future and achieve their financial goals.

Assets are items that have economic value and can generate income, such as investments or properties. Liabilities are financial obligations, such as loans or credit card debt, that require payment.

To create an effective budget, list all sources of income, identify fixed and variable expenses, set realistic goals, set aside money for emergencies, and regularly review the budget for adjustments as needed.

 An emergency fund is crucial for dealing with unexpected expenses, like medical emergencies or home repairs. It avoids the need to resort to loans or commit investments when unforeseen events occur.

Start by setting clear investment goals, identifying your investor profile, diversifying investments to reduce risk, and seeking professional financial guidance if necessary. Consistency and discipline are key to long-term success.

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