Electricity bill too high? Apply for the Social Electricity Tariff
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Electricity bill too high? See how to apply for the Social Electricity Tariff

Check out in today's article, some tips that can help reduce the electricity bill. Follow along to find out more.


In times of scarcity of rain in most Brazilian states, a problem has been worrying the Brazilian authorities. the hydroelectric have been operating at levels below their capabilities. Due to the volume of water lower than necessary, the Brazilian government sees no other way out, other than to increase the tariffs of the population's electricity bills.

It is a factor that continues to annoy consumers who, in the midst of the financially, is obliged to pay electricity bills in addition to his  possibilities. But there are ways for the population to reverse this problem. Either it saves on energy consumption, or may apply for tariff exemption.


The Electric Energy Social Tariff can help combat these difficulties. Learn more in today's article how to obtain this benefit, which can help you in reduction in amounts on electricity bills. Continue reading and know more.

Electricity bill too high? See how to apply for the Social Electricity Tariff

What is the Social Electricity Tariff?

A Social Electricity Tariff is a program created by the Ministry of Citizenship in partnership with the Federal Government and the Aneel (National Agency for Electricity). Aims to benefit low-income families to obtain discounts in electricity consumption. 

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To enroll in the program, families need to be in the list of beneficiaries CadÚnico. Once registered, the citizen will be able to have access to various social actions offered by the government, including the electricity discount.

Reductions are offered according to the consumption profile of respective families enrolled in the program. Discounts are offered between 10 and 65 percent, with a maximum monthly limit of 220 KWh.

How to subscribe to the Social Electricity Tariff?

To enroll in the program, the family representative must attend a service station of the electricity supplier of your city. 

You must present your personal data, CPF and benefit number provided by CadÚnico. It is worth remembering that beneficiaries will have right to discounts in only one residence, whether owned or leased. Leaving the property, you need to notify the distributor.

It is necessary to present a copy of the electricity bill when registering, in order to identify the housing to be benefited. The Social Energy Tariff program was created by Decree Law 10.438, of April 26, 2002

Who can apply?

To enroll in the program, families must be registered with the CadUnique. See more criteria.

  • Families with income equal to or less than half the minimum wage
  • Seniors aged 65 and over
  • Families with income up to three minimum wages, who have dependents people with illnesses or disabilities that require continuous use of medical devices. It is important to attach a medical report that proves the health status of the disabled member or one undergoing treatment.

Indigenous or quilombola families

Those families that are enrolled in CadÚnico may have discounts of up to 100% in electricity tariffs if they consume up to 50 KWh per month. A they apply the same rules for registration.  


If you meet the requirements described in this article, be sure to claim the benefit. You will be able to have satisfactory discounts that will help in the savings on day-to-day expenses. 

Do not waste time and make your request at any branch of the distributor of electricity that serves the region where you live. be aware of information, bring the requested documents and apply. in times of pandemic, nothing better than enjoying it with the help of the government.

Good luck and until next time!

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