Want to control anxiety? Meet Meditopia, meditation app
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Want to control anxiety? Meet Meditopia, meditation app

control anxiety

One of the most emblematic disorders of the moment, the anxiety can be controlled. Come and understand how in this article!

She arrives unannounced. You are fine, carrying out your activities, carefree and suddenly that feeling of inner turmoil comes. It seems that everything around you is out of control. You claim that you can't control your anxiety. And believe that the worst can happen. Keeping calm is key, so that the feeling doesn't get worse.


The mind seems to scramble, focusing only on something you are eager to know or resolve, or on issues that you think might happen if left unresolved. It is the stigma of somatization, of thinking about what does not exist or will not happen.

Calm. In this article, we will explain how you can control anxiety and have moments of tranquility in the midst of the hustle and bustle that our days impose.


what is anxiety

Anxiety is a set of symptoms, ranging from shortness of breath, tachycardia (when the heart races), feeling of chills, tingling and numbness throughout the body, and especially fear.

There are cases in which anxiety borders on panic syndrome, depending on its degree of evolution. It is characterized by the lack of information about knowing and knowing, when the person is concerned about getting something that he hopes to happen so much.

But feeling this agitation brings unpleasant consequences, as the individual seems to be surrounded by ghosts and has the feeling that the worst is knocking at the door.

But how to know how to control anxiety? Let's calmly list some alternatives that you can resort to if you suffer from this problem. 

Probable causes of anxiety

Every day we go through moments that generate distrust. But not always what we think is true. We think things, like figments of our imagination, that some drastic situation is going to happen.

Ordinary circumstances can lead to the worst. If the person feels a simple pain in the body, he thinks it is something serious. If you lack money, it comes to mind that you will be in need. Or if someone is indifferent, they think that the problem is that person. It's not there.

It's a difficult feeling. The body and mind have no control over the situation. It is as if the person were taken by a cloud of nightmares while awake. It's a great take on defenselessness.

Repercussion of the disease

Unfortunately, our country is the champion of anxiety. Almost ten percent of the Brazilian population suffers from this disease and controlling anxiety has become a complex task for patients and health professionals.

Therapists are convinced that this ailment stems from many post-traumatic symptoms. Daily stress, family worries, fears of losing your job and the pandemic itself exacerbate symptoms.

anxiety control

To dribble the problem, there are varied methods to control anxiety. From traditional accompaniments with psychologists or psychiatrists, to alternative treatments such as yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques and the use of natural substances.

But now there are other ways. Digital tools are more connected to this complicated reality. 


The Meditopia application offers alternatives to control anxiety through the platform, which can be downloaded by play store for Android systems or apple store for iOS. Or, it can be accessed directly on your site.

The main objective of Meditopia is to combine sensations of relaxation and connection with the way of thinking and acting. The intention is to develop emotional balance, under exclusive relaxation techniques. It will be acting on negative thoughts that refer to oppression.

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Dealing with health is delicate, even more so in cases that refer to the human mind. Being a subject of high complexity, traditional medicine and alternative methods combine elements that can provide excellent results to control anxiety.  

Seek help with Meditopia. And you will find ways to overcome anxiety and have a better and healthier life.

May you have luck and peace!