How to avoid canceling the Auxilio Brasil benefit? Check it out here - The Most Curious in the World
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How to avoid canceling the Auxilio Brasil benefit? Check it out here

What could lead to the cancellation of your benefit from the Brazil Aid, and what can be done to ensure your stay in the program. At first, we can already tell you that the main causes for the cancellation of the Auxilio Brasil program is the outdated information in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico). 


The Government requires that the data of the registered person and their family members are all updated in the Federal Government program. With this, the veracity of your name can be guaranteed..

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Check how your data is in Brazil Aid

It is always important to check how your registration is, this is because the Ministry of Citizenship is predicting yet another review of paid benefits. Therefore, with that, a lot of people can have their benefit suspended.

Therefore, with this verification by the competent bodies in the Auxilio Brasil program, it is guaranteed that the families who really need the money are receiving the same.

This is a process that includes new people, while others are excluded from the program, so it's good to remember that when each payment calendar comes to an end, the Ministry of Citizenship goes through all the information in the Single Registry with a fine-tooth comb, this is how they define who are the new ones placed in the program.

How to avoid canceling the Auxílio Brasil Benefit? Check Here

What are the requirements of the Assistance Brazil

Furthermore, There's something called a valid suspension. It occurs when the rules that guarantee the permanence of the citizen in the program are not complied with. Lest you make this list, then, see how to comply with the requirements of the Auxilio Brasil program.

All people who are registered and receive the benefit, must meet one of the requirements below:

1 Have a monthly income of R$ 210;

2 The family must have a pregnant woman, nursing mother or young person up to 21 years of age;

3 In the case of pregnant women, they need to perform prenatal care correctly;

4 Children who are in school must have attended school from 60% (ages 4 to 5);

5 School-aged children need to have a frequency of 75% (from 6 to 21 years old). 

Where do I update my registration

Updating this registration must be done in person., that is, citizens need to go to a Social Assistance center, whichever is closest to their home, with all the necessary documents.

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Personal documents, RG, CPF, Birth certificate, wallet proof of work income, proof of residence, title voter registration indigenous birth certificate (RANI) and public school history.

How long does it take to update the registration

Updating the register of Auxilio Brasil must be done every two years, but if there is any change in your documentation, however, you must report it to the government immediately. Therefore, this can happen in the following cases:

1 Birth or death of someone in the family;

2 Departure of a member of the family to another residence;

3 Entry of children to school or transfer;

4 Change of address;

5 Increase or decrease in income;

6 Change of phone number;

7 Change in the number of family members due to birth, adoption or marriage;

8 Enrolls a person under 21 years of age in an elementary school or changes schools.

Therefore, always keep your registration very up to date, and if you don't want to lose it, continue to inform yourself about new updates regarding this social benefit.

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Brazil Aid: is there retroactive payment in August? Check it out here / Pexels Image Credit