How to make money evaluating ads? Click here and learn more - The Most Curious in the World
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How to make money evaluating ads? Click here to learn more

Earn money at Internet It's one of the ways to generate extra income at the end of the month. This is because the viability of remote services is very high and practical. In this way, many people use it as an advantage to earn money.


Furthermore, one thing that Internet there are enough are the ads. Thus, there is a group of professionals who earn money for evaluating these ads. Then, the company can change the advertisements according to the reaction of the evaluator, improving the repercussion of the advertisement.

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Therefore, today you will learn how to earn money just by evaluating these ads for a site specific. Then, see now how to earn an extra income with this job! You will be impressed with the practicality.

Where will I earn money evaluating ads?

O site from the company appen is the pioneer when it comes to ad evaluation. The work team is Australian, but provides services in Brazil and has professionals with more than 5 consecutive years of work.

Even so, the main focus of the company is on professionals freelancers, that is, people who spend only one period in the company. That's why, the hiring system is much easier than a conventional company.

The company will pay you an average of US$5 per hour of service, converting into reais, that would be around R$25.00 per hour. For those people who want to supplement their income, this ends up being a great proposition.

How to make money evaluating ads? Click here to learn more

What do I need to do to earn money?

At the site, to earn money, you will need to evaluate ads according to your personal taste. However, this is not as simple as you might think, as there are several ad categories on Internet.

Thus, the company categorizes the jobs as follows: voice recognition, ad evaluation, evaluation of sales platforms and content translation. Like this, you can choose an area that feels more secure to start with.

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Remember that this is a job, so only do what you are really qualified for. With that, you can do a good service and give a good return to the team.

What are the company prerequisites?

To be hired, you need to follow two simple prerequisites: live in Brazil for at least 5 years and be fluent in Englishs. The most complicated of these prerequisites is fluent English, but you can improve it during your workday.

However, some other things are also considered when hiring professionals. higher education, in any area, for example, ends up gaining a bit of priority for hiring.

Likewise, people who already work with advertising also gain priority for the service. But appen hire all kinds of people, all you have to do is dedicate yourself to being chosen.

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How to make money with photos? See how you can earn extra income / Pixabay image credit
How to make money with photos? See how you can earn extra income / Pixabay image credit / Freepik image credit