See where you can take the best online courses for free - O Mais Curioso do Mundo
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See where you can take the best online courses for free

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Looking for a new specialization completely free to put on your CV? Read on and discover the best sites to take courses for free.


Taking courses online has become one of the best ways to obtain a new specialization and make your CV much more attractive. The time has come for you to discover the best completely free online courses to transform your professional trajectory and help you gain much more knowledge.

With the platforms below you can have different types of specializations, and the best thing is that many of them also offer certificates, which serves to prove your completion and allows you to add it to your resume as a new professional skill.


Why take free online courses

There are countless reasons why you should dedicate yourself to taking free online courses, and the biggest reason of all is to obtain new knowledge. By choosing to enroll in a course you will be obtaining new skills completely free of charge, which can help your professional and financial life.

Courses that offer certificates can be added to your resume, allowing you to receive even better job opportunities and guaranteeing professional advancement. Dedicate your time to learning new skills for free and add new specs to your resume.

On some platforms the certificate may be charged, but knowledge is not. Dedicate your time to learning from the sites below and see how the internet can be an inexhaustible source of knowledge and new possibilities. See the best sites that offer online courses completely free of charge.


The Sebrae portal offers free courses to all users who wish to enrich their knowledge. Sebrae's courses cover different areas of activity, and are ideal for those looking for career guidance or even for those who want to improve in an area of activity.

You will find courses focused on sales, technology, entrepreneurship, pricing and many others. Sebrae has a complete portal, and with content that ranges from basic to advanced, ensuring that you finish the course ready to put your new knowledge into practice.


Looking for free courses with free certification? The IFMG portal offers courses in various areas for those who need to improve their knowledge without spending money. You can enjoy courses in the areas of Communication, Culture, technology, and many others completely free and online.

IFMG courses are also ideal for those who need additional hours at college, and are accepted at almost all universities recognized by the MEC. Invest time and dedicate yourself to the material that IFMG makes available free of charge to all citizens who wish to learn.


The FGV portal offers courses in different categories and presents very versatile teaching. You can learn with texts, video classes or live classes, everything will depend on the skill you want to develop and the course you choose. There you will find courses for different purposes and with different teaching levels.

On this portal you can learn in an intuitive and organized way, and at the end you take a test to prove your knowledge and check your newest skill. FGV not only offers online courses, but you can also find in-person courses if you prefer.

WR Educational

Courses from the most diverse areas await you at WR Educacional. You will only pay for the certificate if you want it to be sent to you online or by post. Qualify yourself to work in the areas of health, education, security and many others that you can find free of charge.

The material is available directly on the platform, and if you want to further improve your knowledge, WR Educacional also offers paid material, for those who want to go further and stand out even more among the rest. Develop your knowledge in an advanced way with this platform.

It's time to improve your knowledge

The time has come to stand out from the rest and improve your knowledge in the area you want. With the platforms above, you can take the courses for free and add new skills that will make you stand out in the job market, or give you additional hours at university.

Don't think that quality knowledge is only provided on a paid basis, because on these sites on the list you receive content that will really help you completely free of charge. The time has come to transform your career for free, do you accept it?

Common questions:

Where can I find free online courses?

There are several platforms that offer free online courses, such as Coursera, edX, Udemy, Khan Academy and many renowned universities that provide content for free.

What are the benefits of taking free online courses?

Benefits include flexible scheduling, access to a wide variety of topics, zero costs and the opportunity to acquire new skills or deepen knowledge without leaving home.

Do certificates from free online courses have value in the job market?

The value of a free online course certificate varies depending on the employer and industry, but they are often recognized as a demonstration of skills and commitment to continuous learning.

Are there prerequisites to take free online courses?

In general, free online courses are accessible to anyone, regardless of their academic background or previous experience. However, some courses may have specific prerequisites, which are usually stated in the course description.

How do I stay motivated during a free online course?

It's important to set clear goals, create a study schedule, actively participate in discussion forums (if available), find a study partner, and reward yourself for progress made. It's also helpful to remind yourself why you're taking the course and how it can contribute to your personal and professional goals.